They're Here! 2018 Celestial Influences, Pocket Astrologer, Celestial Guide, and Astrologer's Datebook have arrived in-store!

Hurrah! Earlier than ever before, the Jim Maynard Astrologer Collection has arrived for 2018, and Paradise Found is proud to provide! Includes the Celestial Influences Wall Calendar (PST), Pocket Astrologer, Celestial Guide, and Astrologer's Datebook! For more information, see below!

Celestial Influences 2018 Wall Calendar:

  •   Easy-to-understand explanations for the Moon as it travels through the different zodiac signs and phases
  •   Includes an ephemeris with tinted backgrounds that highlight when planets are retrograde
  •   Colorful chart of the motions of the planets, a table of sunrises and sunsets, details about eclipses during the year, a description of the meaning and influences of the Asteroids, and an asteroid ephemeris

Pocket Astrologer 2018:

  • The most popular, most used astrological calendar in the world
  • Signs of the zodiac are described in detail, and a summary is given for each of the major planets and the influences of their interactions with each other
  • Essentially a pocket-sized version of the Celestial Influences Calendar

Celestial Guide 2018:

  • An astrological week-at-a-glance engagement calendar
  • Plenty of room next to the daily astrological data for your daily notes, reminders, and appointments
  • Just as in Celestial Influences and the Pocket Astrologer, each day gives lunar ingresses, lunar phases, void-of-course moon, planetary stations and ingresses, aspects, holidays, and celebrity birthdays

Astrologer's Datebook 2018:

  • Exactly the same information and design as the Celestial Guide—just in a smaller size (and in full color!)
  • Also includes an ephemeris, explanatory text, an asteroid ephemeris, sunrise/sunset tables, table of ascendants, chart blanks, address book with space for birth dates and signs, and daily information for both Eastern and Pacific Time
  • Double-loop, wire-o binding. Can be left opened, perfectly flat and even turned-back on itself.


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