Three Crystals for Healing, Grief and Grounding by Moorea Kern


As life gifts us with many blessings, inevitably death reclaims them to keep balance. Naturally, this brings grief as we mourn what must leave. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the close of a relationship or the end of a chapter, it is important to process the natural feelings that arise during these trying times. Three stones I recommend for healing are Apache Tear Obsidian, Jet, and Onyx.

Apache Tears are a wonderful aid during times of grief and healing. They assist the user in acknowledging and accepting the situation, allowing energies to be released so that the user can move forward. A calming, grounding stone, it helps to alleviate symptoms of stress, sorrow and stagnancy. Apache Tears are formed as hot lava from the earth’s core leaps from the crust and hardens before it hits the ground. This magmatic energy exemplifies the transformation one can experience when we allow ourselves to get to the core of a situation, learn from the darkness and then spring forward into the unknown.

Jet is a stone that has been used in talismans, jewelry and rosaries for centuries as it has powerful purification and protection qualities. Formed from fossilized, metamorphosed driftwood, Jet is another example of the transformative power of nature over time. As it calms and purifies energies in the aura and environment, it assists the user in releasing anxiety, grief and any other negative emotions therefore allowing them to gain clarity and insight on the issue at hand. An excellent tool for spiritual work, it helps to release attachments, channel Earth energies and tune in to messages from the other side.

Onyx is a cryptocrystalline form of Quartz and has served as a stone in jewelry for centuries along with Jet. It is a soothing stone that brings the spiritual and physical bodies into harmony. An excellent stone to use in troubling times, Onyx helps release heavy emotions to remind the user of their personal power, providing strength and stamina to overcome obstacles. As it helps to release mentally clogging emotions such as fear and grief, Onyx helps to maintain a productive outlook and improve concentration. Used as a grounding stone, it controls excess energy and encourages a positive mental attitude.

An important thought to remember is that although these stones are powerful tools for personal practices, it is also important to seek support from family, friends and, if needed, professionals. We all have unique wisdom to offer which can help with gaining perspective and assist the healing process. May these three stones serve as reminders of connection to the Earth, to Spirit and to one another. Blessed Be.




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