To January 2012 & Beyond!

Something powerfully good and infinitely expansive is seeking to breathe through you, lifting your life to its highest possibility. Say yes. ~Marianne Williamson

The 365 days of 2011 have been lived in all their aliveness; the work of assessment is complete. The time to embark on the next cycle is here. ..

Whee! Here we go into 2012. Whether you are anticipating an apocalypse, an awakening, or are resigned to more of the same for 2012; time, our actions/reactions and our responses will reveal all.

I have fiddled around with New Year’s language for years—do I make a resolution, an intention, a game plan, a commitment statement, a declaration, etc. Do I chuck the whole notion and live life without that element of personal will and goal setting, responding only in the moment.

These days my own personal goal-setting looks more like creating a science experiment with the hypothesis of how can I live fulfilled and fabulous in communion with all life, and with respect for all life; open to guidance, responsive to conditions, and reflective of beauty, truth and goodness.

We may be called to personal revolutions—re-evolving-- in place of resolutions. Re-dreaming, re-creating, re-envisioning, not only our own lives but the social and cultural structures that support them.

However you approach this time of new beginnings, checking into present energies through astrology or the intuitive arts can be invaluable as we boldly go where none have yet been. Join us Saturday, January 14 for an Intuitive Arts Tasting (see more information in the sidebar).

To 2012 and beyond!

May it be filled with abundant love, wonder, courageous curiosity, and big laughter.

Teresa, Thule, Tucker & all at Paradise Found

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