Virgo New Moon Tea Ceremony Ritual, 9/2/24

“Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes and open heart.” ~Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweeetgrass

Virgo New Moon Tea Ceremony Ritual

"Making tea is a ritual that stops the world from falling in on you.”

~Jonathan Stroud

Purpose of this Ritual: This ritual is designed to ground, heal, and set intentions for growth and well-being, aligning with Virgo’s earthy and nurturing energy.

Materials Needed:

  • Hot water
  • Herbs: Rosemary, sage, lavender, or anything you have on hand.
  • Tea mug
  • Journal and pen
  • Optional: Candle, grounding crystals, flowers, etc.


You can use one of the herbs above, or you can simply use what you already have on hand.

1. Cleanse Your Space: Use incense or essential oils to cleanse your space, creating a peaceful and sacred environment. Arrange your candle, flowers, and any other spiritual items in your meditation area.

2. Brew Your Tea: Go about brewing your tea in whatever way works for you. As you prepare your tea, focus on the healing properties of the herbs. Imagine the tea absorbing the earth’s grounding energy, infusing it with your intentions. While the tea steeps, visualize the Virgo New Moon’s energy cleansing and healing your body and mind.

3. Set Intentions: Before sipping your tea, hold your cup close to your heart. Reflect on what you wish to cultivate during this lunar cycle. Think about areas of your life where you seek healing, improvement, or clarity. Silently or aloud, state your intentions. For example, “I intend to nurture my body with healthy habits,” or “I embrace clarity and organization in my daily life.”

4. Mindful Sipping: Take slow, mindful sips of your tea, savoring each moment. With each sip, imagine your intentions being absorbed into every cell of your body, grounding you and aligning you with the energy of the Virgo New Moon. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to be impacted by this practice of slowing down.

5. Reflection: After finishing your tea, take a few moments to journal about what came up for your. Write down your intentions, any insights you’ve received, or reflections on areas in your life where you seek healing or improvement.

6. Close the Ritual: Thank the Virgo New Moon for its healing and grounding energy. Extinguish the candle, feeling grateful for this moment of connection and clarity. Carry the energy of this ritual with you as you move forward, embracing the qualities of Virgo in your daily life.

May you find grounded alignment in this Virgo New Moon!

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