Welcome Erin Mckeever as one of our Weekly Readers!

Welcome Erin Mckeever, our newest fabulous reader specializing in Intuitive Empath, Tarot, and Kinesiology!

A bit about Erin:

We are dynamic beings fluid and ever changing, each a beautiful vessel, reflection, and amplifier of source consciousness and all its inter-relating trajectories past, present, and future. Within us we hold multiple streams of inter-woven perspectives spanning across countless heartlines drawn from our combined human and more than human stories.  

When we connect with the deep waters of our Essence we expand our capacity to hold life’s mysteries, her streams of multiplicities and unknowns, with greater ease. We increase our capacity to trust our ourselves, others and life, and fortify our ability to recognize and follow our intuition and deepest calling. Tarot is an ancient sacred art offering soul-felt revelation, reflection and guidance, so you can gain a clearer understanding of how to better navigate and flow with life rather than resist it.

My approach is collaborative, curious, joyful, and interdependent; it is the relational field that exponentially contributes to the depth and scope of the space we open and the time we share. Together, we set a co-emergent intention to activate what you already know, so you feel inner connected with your innate ability to perceive and relate with parts of your Self that feel authentic, meaningful, ensouling and fully alive. Dynamic tarot sessions combined with kinesiology offer an opportunity for you to attune and realign with the clarity, inner confidence, intuitive guidance, and deep peace you already hold within.  

Life needn’t be a struggle. Even during our greatest challenges our Essence holds a deeper knowing that our basic goodness and the flow of Spirit will light the way.

Erin's rates:

30 min ~ $100

45 min ~ $150

1hr ~ $200

In-shop or phone readings available! Give us a call to schedule your appointment, (805) 564-3573.

Check out Reader Schedule here

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