"We'Moon 2020: Wake Up Call sets out to enliven us, sometimes gently, sometimes with alarm, to our peril and our opportunities.This call summons and inspires us for the deepest, most loving rescue work we can imagine.We urgently seek new possibilities for healing Earth and mending humanity.20/20 Goddess‑vision is here!"
~ We'Moon creators team
We'Moon 2020 Astrological datebooks are here! Come and get them while they last, this is a classic that sells out every year. This best-selling moon calendar, earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, and visionary collection of women’s creative work, is now in its 39th year of publication!
"We'Moon is more than an appointment book, it’s a way of life!We’Moon is a lunar calendar, a handbook in natural rhythms, and a collaboration of international womyn’s cultures..."
~ Musawa, Mother Tongue Ink
Week-at-a-glance format with daily astrological data, moon phases, yearly predictions for each of the Sun signs, and an abundance of art and writing by women from around the world. Even if you use another system for tracking your schedule, We'Moon is a potent resource for information and inspiration, and a daily source of strength.It is a daily reminder of the deep current of feminine co-creation and future-forming that is continually unfolding around and through us. We'Moon is a spiritual touchstone, a center point by which to ground yourself daily in a wholehearted, Earth-first, peaceful and powerful mindset.
"Art and writing by wemoon from many lands give a glimpse of the great diversity and uniqueness of a world we create in our own images. We’Moon is about womyn’s spirituality (spirit-reality). We share how we live our truths, what inspires us, and our connection with the whole Earth and all our relations."
"We’Moon is dedicated to amplifying the images and voices of wemoon from many perspectives and cultures. We seek to make We’Moon a safe and welcoming place for all wimmin." (Muwasa, Mother Tongue Ink)
Over the past 39 years this beautiful calendar has really been a labor of love--the team at Mother Tongue Ink spend the year collecting art and poetry from contributors across the globe, gathering astrological information and forecasts, and weaving them into a rich tapestry of art and insight.
Through thick and thin, they dedicate their time and energy to the production of this fabulous resource, and we are so thankful to them for their heartfelt vocation. YES to art! YES to beauty! YES to poetry! We are grateful and excited for this year's We'Moon.
21.95 We'Moon 2020: Wake Up Call datebook
16.95 We'Moon 2020: Wake Up Call wall calendar