Wild Dancing: Focus on the Light of the Heart

Shift energy with dancing, and journal to open the heart. We approach ourselves with a gentle curiosity, and are rewarded with access to hidden treasures of insight and experience.

"How one walks through the world, the endless small adjustments of balance, is affected by the shifting weights of beautiful things.”
~Elaine Scarry
“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair...”    
~susan polis schutz

Inspired by the exuberant energy of summer, we are going to take a look at a card from Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle Cards. The "Dance" card is all about how energy flows, grows, and illuminates our lives, if we are willing to dance with life and be open to what arises...

Then we will try responding to some journal prompts adapted from teacher Radhule Weininger's book Heartwork: The Path of Self-Compassion: 9 Practices for Opening the Heart.

Dance | Do something to shift your vibration.

"Life is always moving. If you resist this ever-changing flow, your energy will become stagnant and you will fall out of flow with the Universe. The Universe has a mysterious intelligent force, a natural rhythmic beat, which governs all of life. One of the best ways to shift your energy, frequency, and vibration is to put on some music and dance along with it.

When we dance unrestrained our spirit takes over, and with each new bop, sway, and kick we are rocked back into harmony with the rest of life. Get unstuck by doing something that shifts your vibration. Put on some music, dance unrestrained and fall into the frequency of life. In doing so, your body will begin to learn how to be moved by your intuition, which is connected with this systemic beat.

If dancing isn’t your thing, then simply do something that you would not usually do to shift the energy. You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it and you cannot attract a different experience without changing your energy first. It’s time to shift things up and to find a way to dance along with the beat of life."

~Rebecca Campbell, excerpt from her blog at www.RebeccaCampbell.me

Journaling to Open the Heart

Sit down with a pencil and paper in a quiet place. Make yourself comfortable, rest in your gentle breath, and see what images and stories arise as you read the following prompts. If your own experiences come to mind, do some free writing.

~What is your relationship to your own heart, the organ of psychological and spiritual perfection, of intuition and the longing to connect? Can you remember a particular time in your life when you discovered your relationship to your heart?

~Write about a time in your life when you felt disconnected from yourself, when it was hard for you to experience compassion and warmth for yourself.

~Think about loving-kindness, or your ability to wish others well and to think of them kindly. Wishing for another person to be healthy, happy, and safe.

~Think about compassion, or your ability to open your heart on a deep level and "feel with" your own as well as another's suffering.

~Think about someone for whom you had (or have) difficulty feeling loving-kindness or compassion.

~Radhule Weininger, MD, PhD, Heartwork: The Path of Self-Compassion: 9 Practices for Opening the Heart

By approaching ourselves with a gentle curiosity we can access hidden treasures of insight and experience. We can hold open the door to more loving, authentic connections with others, by deciding to explore the depths of our hearts, and remain open rather than closed. It is not the easiest path, but it is very rewarding.

"Dancers stay balanced by fixing their eyes on a focal point. A steady intention allows for optimal flexibility.

In the waves of change, let the Light of your heart be the focal point. Your heart will notice what we all have in common. Focus on that.

Your heart will show you a more beautiful vision of the future. Focus on that. Your heart will show you what to be grateful for. Focus on that."
~Danielle LaPorte, How to Be Loving (As Your Heart is Breaking Open and Our World is Waking Up)
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