Anna Chapman

Readings that Inspire! Allow your self to experience clarity that is beyond doubt, judgment and fear the products of thoughts that are habits. When we know what exists ‘when the smoke clears’ suddenly all aspects of life open up for us. We are free...Anna is a reflection revealing clarity and peace, in readings that inspire. Tools utilized that contribute to our ‘steps’ can include tarot, astrology and communicating with those who have crossed over. All mirrors so that we might know Truth and grace that fills us perpetually...

February 22, 2025
Fluid Transcendence, Pisces New Moon 2/27/25
" I know, on a deep level, that obstacles exist only in my mind. The sun is always shining somewhere."
Anna Chapman
January 24, 2025
Love is the Answer
Our common humanity is what we embrace with more and more consciousness. Clarity and the sharpness of knowing what does not lie ahead is what moves us in ever increasing leaps and bounds. The individual ceases to consider itself as a primary factor.
Anna Chapman
January 11, 2025
The Offerings of Our Reflections: Full Moon in 24 Degrees Cancer
"Self-reflection occurs when we are ready to move beyond the grasp of the ego."
Anna Chapman
December 26, 2024
A Hero Born From Stillness | Capricorn New Moon
"2025 may be the year where we filter out the buts and shoulds and all that we have been conditioned to, that we may forge our paths solely based upon the messages we receive in stillness."
Anna Chapman
November 23, 2024
Capacity for Change
"Our capacity for change is tremendous as we are moved by the energy that moves everything. Therein is all possibility and potential. Only my resistance is a hindrance."
Anna Chapman
October 26, 2024
Interconnectedness | New Moon on November 1, 9 degrees Scorpio
"We appear to be separate. There is nothing separate about us. Even our thoughts are generated from the ‘great pool’ of consciousness. Nothing is ‘mine alone’ except the combination of all things that converge here in this form."
Anna Chapman
September 23, 2024
Secrets of Balance, Restoring Harmony
"A deep sense of balance and harmony is felt with the recognition that there is nothing dividing this from that except our thought."
Anna Chapman
July 30, 2024
Liberating Ego and Essence, New Moon August 4, 12 degrees Leo
Personal attachment and ego identification dissolve. During a New Moon there is opportunity to begin anew.
Anna Chapman
June 29, 2024
Our Wildest Dream is to Awaken, New Moon July 5th 2024 14 degrees Sirius
The Big Dream opens up space to breathe and feel more deeply the connection we are to everything.
Anna Chapman
June 3, 2024
Becoming the Observer | How Mindful Attention Leads to Freedom and Joy
What followed, based on this observation, felt like a miracle, for which I gave thanks; that these thoughts lost power, intensity. They lost their ability to control me. Someone took the needle off the record. It was subtle and in the deeper recesses of awareness not at first, recognized. There was just this awareness of freedom and subsequent joy.
Anna Chapman
April 27, 2024
Reaching Out Further on Sunny Days
All of it will come and all of it will pass. Our wisdom is knowing this and showing up with as little resistance as possible. Bending in the storm and reaching out further on sunny days. 
Anna Chapman
April 2, 2024
Sail into Spring on Winds of Change
Spring is here! A fresh breeze fills our sails as we navigate out of the "dead calm" of the doldrums, and back into dynamic motion. We rediscover the joy of new experiences, changing horizons, and the beauty of each new day.
Anna Chapman
January 31, 2024
A Beautiful, Continual Unfolding
The beauty of our journey is that it is continually and organically unfolding according to the natural flow of all things whether we perceive it or not.
Anna Chapman
January 2, 2024
I Wake, and my Heart Opens Wide
The open heart is free to experience everything without judgment, without limitation. We are limited as a result of fear. How do we become open hearted? How do we dispense with our fears? One step at a time.
Anna Chapman
November 26, 2023
Presence, Pure Being, is our Most Precious Gift
When giving, that deep breath expands us beyond our known limits...and creates a giving that is our most precious to share, that of Self—pure presence, pure Being. 
Anna Chapman
October 4, 2023
Radical Empathy: Looking Through Another's Eyes
Make space to receive another. Make space to receive. Where there is emptiness there is no judgment. When ‘I’ is content there is room to listen. We listen, touch and see and understand...
Anna Chapman
September 11, 2023
Distilling the Dream
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” ~Oscar Wilde 
Anna Chapman
July 31, 2023
Revelations on the Road
How long have I, you, we walked a particular path? How deep is the furrow? How dedicated have I been to traveling this same way? No matter where in the journey we are, we can ask these questions.
Anna Chapman
June 6, 2023
Revel in the Light, Summer is Here!
In Summer we revel in the light. We see and are seen. We receive and are nourished. We are revitalized. Batteries recharged having been given so much, we give in return. Happiness and well being are shared. The exuberant generosity of the child is everywhere...
Anna Chapman
May 10, 2023
On the Precipice of Light: Journey Into a New World
Here we are yet again, perched on the precipice of flight, youngsters enthusiastically greeting the dawn. Everything is possible. At this time we must reach deep within, to overcome fears and doubts and to offer up our gifts of tremendous creativity that derive from this moment...
Anna Chapman
March 12, 2023
From Vision to Realization with the New Moon in Aries
This time now is the time! To continue unpacking your gifts and see what more you might contribute to these exceptional moments of exploration and achievement...We are merging possibility and the imagination with a vision destined to be realized in practical reality.
Anna Chapman
February 8, 2023
We Are Divine Travellers
Saturn into Pisces March 8 is contradiction. Saturn is the taskmaster. Pisces is without definition. How do we reconcile these divergent energies? In Pisces Saturn offers us oars that move us with a sense of responsibility in otherwise vacuous space. We are guided by maturity, a sense of support under our wings as we learn to fly; the nestling gaining courage before taking the great leap of faith...
Anna Chapman
December 14, 2022
Wild Otherness
Nourished by wild otherness...Our destiny is to recognize the other as self, the wild as our own home, and journey to the illumined plane of crystal clarity and stillness, the pristine landscape of Being.
Anna Chapman
November 10, 2022
Freedom and Soaring to New Heights
"I was set free! I dissolved in the sea, became white sails and flying spray, became beauty and rhythm, became moonlight and the ship and the high dim-starred sky!" ~Eugene O'Neill
Anna Chapman
September 20, 2022
An Awakening Light | Self, Relationships, and the New Moon in Libra
"One day the sun shall shine more brightly than ever he has done, shall perchance shine into our minds and hearts, and light up our whole lives with a great awakening light..."~Henry David Thoreau
Anna Chapman
August 9, 2022
Imagine Better Than the Best You Know
What do we do in our wildest imaginings? Do we imagine our selves at lake’s edge feeling the sun’s warmth and the coolness of the breeze coming down from the north? ...
Anna Chapman
June 19, 2022
From Density to Lucidity - Finding Emotional Freedom
The truth that invites all of us to participate with the mind of a child—eager, optimistic and open. How to find again the purity of a child who still, fresh from ‘heaven’, believes everything is possible; being a super hero, immortal, judges not and is inspired and inspiring in every moment.
Anna Chapman
May 22, 2022
Let Your Unique Expression Flow...
Dance, Tai Chi, and Aikido are just some of the ways that we translate our life force and vital energy into action and expression. This energy, when we go with the flow and do not block it, is deeply touching and relieves suffering in all who witness it.
Anna Chapman
April 20, 2022
From Survival to Sensitivity
When humanity acts together, we naturally transcend from a state of survival to a place of sensitivity, caring, and kindness. Learn about the planetary influences during the upcoming New Moon in Taurus, and all the energies that are in play while we, as human beings in an earthly environment, reach for the limitless freedom that we may think lies beyond our reach and yet is right here, right now.
Anna Chapman
March 23, 2022
The Sacred Belongs to Our Soul
It is Spring. Everything grows, reaches out. A primal energy is palpable in all things; pushes through the dormant winter cycle of rest, hibernation and contemplation during the deep silence. With vital energy everywhere we may easily dissolve the boundaries between this and that and become aware of the formless nature of Reality. 
Anna Chapman
February 16, 2022
Find Your Inner Light: the Hidden Sun of the Absolute
Light shines from the most painful occurrences. The seed that was planted somewhere along the timeline sprouts from the driest, most inhospitable circumstances. Everything we learn in the journey brings us closer to the realization that whatever ‘I’ accomplish, whatever light I share I share with you and you with me and every ‘thing’ that graces our world. 
Anna Chapman
January 16, 2022
Freedom for All Beings
No matter what is going on in our lives we can remember that it all arises from source/awareness. Everything leaps into existence from “that”.
Anna Chapman
December 15, 2021
January New Moon, New Year: Clarity!
2022 will highlight our independent and fearless nature. We will have courage and wisdom to meet challenges and the confidence to follow through with our visions. We must listen deeply to our own intuition and to that which arises from our hearts. Fear resides in the mind, the heart is free to show patience, compassion and tolerance. 
Anna Chapman
November 24, 2021
Fanning the Flames | December New Moon
“Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we end up with nothing, life itself reveals again and again the opposite: that letting go is the path to real freedom.” ~The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Anna Chapman
October 27, 2021
November: The courage to Push Through!
We are passengers on this boat that moves with the ever present current. As such we are advised to follow the lead of the Fool 0, the first card of the major arcana in the tarot, to accept and trust what is and to take that proverbial leap into the unknown.
Anna Chapman
September 24, 2021
Sublime Lightness, Going with the Flow
By reaching out we remain forever open...non-resistance, going with the flow is our natural state—the flow. Here we miss nothing, are joyously and easily aligned with the breath of fresh air that carries us ‘aloft’.
Anna Chapman
August 31, 2021
September New Moon; and the Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade
The Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade (the 8 brocades) is a Qi gong practice a thousand years old that a young Chinese general developed for his troops to enhance all of their abilities. This practice is based on finding a graceful and fluid rhythm among your own integral energies. Each movement relates to an organ encouraging harmony throughout the body and a positive flow of energy.
Anna Chapman
August 4, 2021
Contradiction: Confusion or Clarity?
Learning to let go is a new level of maturity; to realize that when I let go and resistance subsides I am exactly where I have always wanted to be. The eye of the storm is trust and knowing and stillness.
Anna Chapman
June 30, 2021
Liberate Your Inner Child! Tap into the Enlivening Energy of Play
“Creativity and the world of the imagination—the beauty of what we see as a child and the kind of play that we experience as a child—can be a way for us to survive tough times.” ~Diane Paulus
Anna Chapman
June 3, 2021
12 Houses, Gemini, Mercury Retrograde
Trees have their communication systems, some consisting of underground root systems that pass information along within the clan. Nature is full of ways of transferring ‘data’ that are not reliant upon words. Everything, as source is motivated by and moved by an eternal, omniscient, omnipresent ‘voice’ that arises from stillness. Communication is a word but we all ‘hear’ the voice and respond to it in the way in which we can and do. 
Anna Chapman
April 6, 2021
Show Your Soul
“…One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times.” ~Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Anna Chapman
February 6, 2021
Aquarius New Moon: Don’t Take It Personally!
It is of great benefit to begin releasing one’s attachment to a perceived identity. We can consciously and deliberately put the old habits of reaction under a microscope with the express intent of dismantling the need to cling to what appears to be ‘our self’.
Anna Chapman