"Our capacity for change is tremendous as we are moved by the energy that moves everything. Therein is all possibility and potential. Only my resistance is a hindrance."
“True freedom is an inward state of being. Once it is attained, no situation in the world can bind one or limit one’s freedom.”
As we approach the end of a year it may happen that we ponder the year past. We may consider what we have accomplished, learned or hesitated to accomplish or learn. During a New Moon it is a perfect time for reflection. We take into consideration where I am now as opposed to where I was at the beginning of the year. Often the difference is considerable. Our capacity for change is tremendous as we are moved by the energy that moves everything. Therein is all possibility and potential. Only my resistance is a hindrance.
On a deep level every thing is aware of this directionless movement. Though it may feel like going deeper, reaching further, reaching higher, opening up more, feeling lighter. Lighter we are. Less encumbered by a story that continues to have us running on the wheel.
The freedom to get off the wheel is available to all of us all the time. Once we overcome fears and are aware that much of what we believe is not truth but conditioning, we are primed for flight; rising above the confinement of our repetitive experiences. Now, swept up in the current of change we reach for the limitlessness of emptiness. Without beliefs what have we? We have a wide open vista where everything becomes possible because I do not have a belief that it is not.
Without these beliefs, I reach a little further into the layers of fear to see that they are based upon the past, illusions, not here in this moment. Those fears are a part of a quickly dissolving, ego-based construct. The mind is open, clear and receptive.
“...this is something that Shunryu Suzuki, who is the founder of the San Francisco Zen Center — he talks about, beginner’s mind. And what he says about beginner’s mind is that in the beginner’s mind, possibilities are endless, and in the expert’s mind, they’re few. And so this idea that in this state of not knowing, curiosity and engagement with the world arises...”
The New Moon in Sagittarius, the second last of the year, offers us a few days of: the enthusiastic pursuit of our current goals! Every goal attained is a step closer to our deepest desire.
This sign ruled by Jupiter--
Sagittarius reaches for the stars! Goes the extra mile, leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of Truth.
It is the sign of adventure, exploration and no boundaries. Needing the freedom to go where called, Sagittarians do not want to be fenced in. Their search is for knowledge that leads to wisdom that accepts and celebrates not knowing. Gemini, the opposite sign seeks information in order to learn. By the time we arrive at Sagittarius, we have learned plenty and seek deeper experience.
“Sagittarians are not afraid to question established norms or challenge societal conventions, seeking to uncover deeper truths and promote intellectual honesty. This philosophical inclination drives them to engage in critical thinking and pursue knowledge that transcends superficial understandings.”
Jupiter, the governing planet of Sagittarius represents our desire for expansion and growth. There is a natural optimism and faith that this planet bestows, that contributes to confidence in all aspects of life experience.
In the New Moon chart November 30 (PT), December 1 (ET) Jupiter figures prominently. If we are attentive, we will notice the grace of increased light shared by these moments of an aspect pattern referred to as a ‘mystic’ rectangle. Not a common occurrence, a mystic rectangle involves four planets and six aspects. In this case those are Jupiter in Gemini, Chiron in Aries, Mercury in Sagittarius and Vesta (an asteroid,) and Black Moon Lilith (a profound point conjunct to asteroid Vesta).
The aspects that form a mystic rectangle are two oppositions (presenting some challenge),two trines (presenting easy flow of energy), and two sextiles (motivating energy with a little challenge)
Without getting too complicated this configuration is about balancing opposites and resolving conflict. There will be challenge but we are given the tools to resolve the conflict. Jupiter is growth and wisdom. Chiron represents healing. Mercury is how we think and communicate. Black Moon Lilith is our point of empowerment and our point of deepest fears. Vesta is integrity.
We confront the fears of exploring a deeper level of wisdom and stepping further out of the box. We are liberated from judgment and expectation. We move further out of conditioning. Black Moon Lilith represents the time in history when we were conditioned to be victims. Victim mentality has kept us nose to the grindstone and susceptible to dictatorship for a very long time.
This geometry occurring during a new moon means that its effects move deeply within us. We are in a place of receptivity. The Sagittarian energy ensures that we are optimistic and have great faith in our efforts to reach higher. We are less concerned about what others think as we know that does not support our desire for liberation. We aim higher.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign. That means flexibility, movement and change as a natural aspect of being. So advantageous in these times when that is what we are called to. If we could throw agility in there as well, all the better. Agile like a cat and always landing on our feet.
A complete aside, but thanks be to pickleball for all us seniors to keep us on our toes and geared toward quick reflexes! And mobility! We are aware that there is little time to stand still. Yet in stillness we find the thread that illuminates infinite possibility.
Happy holidays to all! And go for it!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”