Cultivating Your Intuitive Skills: A Journey of Self-Discovery

You don’t need to be spiritually inclined or religious to grow your intuition, because it exists in everyone, to one degree or another. Here are some simple ways to activate your intuitive skills to help you navigate life’s twists and turns. 

“Your inner voice is the voice of divinity.”
~A.R. Rahman (Indian music producer)

In a world inundated with information and noise, the ability to tap into one's intuition has become increasingly valuable. Intuition, sometimes experienced as a ‘gut-feeling’ and other times as an unexplained ‘sense of knowingness’, is a powerful tool for decision-making, problem-solving, and navigating life's twists and turns. While some may believe intuition to be a unique gift, it’s a skill that can be developed and honed through practice and mindfulness, because it’s related to the essence of love, light, and power that is you; the voice of divinity that A. R. Rahman referred to in his quote above. 

Understanding Intuition

Intuition is more than the subconscious processing of information based on our past experiences, knowledge, and emotions. While rational thinking relies on logic and analysis, intuition operates on a deeper, more instinctual level. It’s a spiritual process because it engages your psychic faculties connected to your chakras (the energy centers of the body) that have physical and psychological correspondences. These are ultimately connected to the divine nature of your Higher Soul.  You don’t need to be spiritually inclined or religious to grow your intuition, because it exists in everyone, to one degree or another. Here are some simple ways to activate your intuitive skills to help you navigate life’s twists and turns. 

Cultivating Intuitive Skills

1. Listen to the sound of silence: The first step in developing your intuitive skills is to quiet the mind and practice sitting in silence. The common edict to, ‘listen to your inner voice’ is not the same as sitting in silence and listening to the emptiness, to the Void. Listening to the inner voice of your Higher Soul that is conditioned to the sound of silence, is not the same as listening to your inner voice in a classical sense, because we have many inner voices that vie for our attention. How can you know if the inner voice you hear is the whisper of your Higher Soul, instead of a reactive narrative? The difference is the source. Sitting in silence impartially, without a particular agenda allows your chakras to activate and receive soul energy. Soul-energy, or vital life force (known as “prana”, “ruah” or “mana”, “chi” and “ki”) carries with it power and intelligence or information (divinity). This force infuses your charkas with information or a sense of knowingness that will give rise to what I call “intuitive hits” or “insights”, from your Higher Soul. These insights will often come in as flashes during your waking life, or ideas that suddenly appear, because we’ve built a practice of listening, to the inner stillness within. Set a regular time to sit and meditate on the inner stillness. Doing so will activate your natural intuitive abilities so that intuitive information gets revealed to you as you make your way through your day; thus, the phrase, “divinely guided day”. 

2. Cultivate mindfulness in journaling: After you meditate, take a few minutes to do some mindful journaling. When you consider your life after you meditate things often feel and look different. Your perspective becomes wider, and this can give you a new lens from which to feel and act. Writing also changes your brain, while it energizes any new concepts or insights you gain from your meditation. Some journal prompts that work well are: 1) “What is my Higher Soul’s will for me?”, 2) “If I were knowing myself as a being of love light and power, what would be possible for me right now? What would I think and do about myself and others?”, 3) “If I knew myself as empowered and cherished how would I behave, what would I do about my current situation right now?”, 4) “If I were being aligned and receptive to the things I say I want what actions would I follow through on?”, 5) “Because I can’t seem to transcend this pattern, what hidden pay-offs am I subconsciously attached to that keep me from seeing a way out?”. These high-value questions will clear away any blocks to accessing your intuition through intelligent evaluation and surrender, but they also exercise the chakra infusing them with “fertilizer” so to speak so that the incoming energy from meditating will birth seeds of insight during your waking hours. Additionally, this will help keep you aware of your actions in each moment and of the opportunities you have to stay open instead of shutting down in reactivity.

3. Stay empathetically curious: Intuition grows with empathetic curiosity; it shrinks with self-judgment. Let yourself remain curious and open, by releasing tendencies to judge others. This activates the heart-chakra and decongests the solar plexus chakra of judgmental energies. Since we are always in relationship to ourselves first before others, a pattern of judging others is a sign of how your psyche is conditioned to treat the self. I like to use the Ho’o Pono Pono technique to keep myself aligned and open. A basic yet powerful way of using this is as follows: “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you, to myself for any tendencies to judge myself and others, and for the memory of any need to be judgmental”. When you practice empathetic curiosity, you’ll see beyond the obvious or the triggers in any given situation, allowing more light’’ or information to flow in; it activates the divinity within you. Ultimately, this is because empathetic curiosity makes you more conductive to Soul-energy, coming in from your Higher Soul. 

4. Practice trusting your intuitive hits: As you build skill in staying open from meditating regularly, and staying empathetically curious, the inner voice of your Higher Soul will appear. The inner voice of your Higher Soul is not reactive, triggered, or overly attached, but is more like a whisper or a calm breeze, that’s soft and in need of your attention. I can remember many times that I had a hit and discounted it because I had an agenda that led me to minimize my Soul’s leading, only to delay my intention from manifesting. Nevertheless, the more I practiced the more I realized the seeming delays were themselves blessings. When you trust your intuitive hits, you realize there are never mistakes, only consequences, and in those you can apply to your practice again. Thus, it becomes a cumulative process. You can journal about these instances of trusting your intuition and how you may have missed the incoming messages as well. Regular practice conditions your chakras to pick up information more efficiently with more accuracy as you progress. 

5. Reflect and Learn for Higher Intuition: Intuition has degrees of accuracy that should be used contextually, and not conclusively. I don’t see it as a fortune-telling power so that the ego can manipulate situations to have its way. I see intuition as the path of connection we have to the seed or sense of ALL-Knowingness and Intelligence within each of us, that’s connected directly to our Higher Souls, our divine nature’s. When we practice these steps, we become capable of accessing information beyond our physical senses from a place of Higher Intuition, where non-limitation resides, as opposed to a lower intuitive level where the interpretation is bound by obstacles and fear of endangerment. Remember that our interpretation of incoming information arises from the depths of our psyche which has filters colored by our backgrounds and the kind of character we cultivate. This is why it’s a journey of self-discovery because by clearing away the inner debris through sitting in stillness, journalling and being mindful, and cultivating empathetic curiosity, we polish the ability to increase in accuracy of our interpretations of incoming information. We leverage ourselves to have Higher Intuition. When it’s done well, you’ll notice life begins to feel like a series of serendipitous events, and your whole life starts making sense in ways you hadn’t gotten before. Thus, cultivating your intuitive skills becomes a path of personal growth.

Embracing the Journey

Cultivating your intuitive skills is a journey of self-discovery—one that requires patience because sitting in stillness is about ‘being’ not rushing. It’s about practicing because it’s a goal worth working towards. It requires a willingness to release the need to judge while embracing the open receptive space of non-judgment. As you learn to trust your intuition, you'll gain greater clarity, confidence, and authenticity in navigating life's challenges and opportunities. So, take a leap of faith, listen to the silence from where the inner voice of your Higher Soul can be heard, and embark on the adventure of unlocking your intuition.

If you’d like more direct guidance on how to cultivate alignment with the intuitive voice of your Higher Soul, feel free to book a session with me on the Paradise Found Online Reader’s Portal.
The light within me honors the light within you.

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