"In honoring the full moon in Aries that’s concentrated with the will to act, what can we do to make sure that we have the type of strength and will-to-do-good that we need to manifest anything in life?"
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
For many years I focused my personal spiritual practice on loving kindness and non-injuriousness. It was the perfect healing salve I needed to transform the pain of abandonment, anger and judgment triggered from being shunned by my family for leaving their religion. It was a process, but focusing on the heart chakra allowed me the gift of mercy while producing waves of bliss. My practice was like a lifeline and the love I channeled in my meditations transformed my consciousness and helped me create a new reality; it healed my nervous system and gave me the power and ability to express myself as a spiritual energy-worker, guide and intuitive life coach. What I learned was that healing through the heart-chakra helped me access another type of strength that comes from the will to do good and not just from physical capacity as Ghandi so aptly described. In honoring the full moon in Aries that’s concentrated with the will to act, what can we do to make sure that we have the type of strength and will-to-do-good that we need to manifest anything in life?
No matter your present circumstance, your will-to-do-good, can be expressed in ways leveraged to create your desired reality. If you want a life of serenity, then you have to create that in your thoughts by letting go of tendencies to judge, gossip, complain or revel in dissatisfaction so you can consciously choose life’s blessings in every moment of your day. If you want the universe to deliver money and physical resources to you, then you have to choose to practice generosity and non-stealing in every way, every day, by volunteering your time, tithing or choosing other forms of service. If you want to have a partnership that’s built on trust, love and vulnerable transparency then you have to develop a generous, caring, open and honest heart; speaking your truth and not avoiding or denying it to yourself or others, on a moment by moment basis. The full moon in Aries often makes apparent what habits need to go, in order for us to be free to express ourselves and take action on our will to do good.
If you want to use the energy to streamline your intentions and make your actions more effective and productive, take a few moments to journal on your desired reality. Consider what karmic costs will have to be given in order to free you up to express your will to do good. For example, will you have to let go of the need to make someone do something so you can feel better? Will you have to give up the habit of being in fear of lack? Will you have to give up the tendency to doubt yourself? Or the habit of saying “no” too quickly because you’re too afraid of saying “yes”? In each of these the cost is surrender of one sort or another. As you begin to clear your energy of these little blocks in your field, remember to have patience and self-compassion. It’s okay to be kind with yourself as you change and express a new you.
Given the high vibe of this full moon, I pray that all your manifestations grow by leaps and bounds as you douse them with the nourishing impact of your heartfelt spiritual practice.