Full Moon in Capricorn: The End of an Era

For this full moon, we will meditate on the symbolism and specific guidance of the tarot for an understanding of the energetics of ending old patterns and limited beliefs around power, money and abundance.

This upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn is the second one to take place this year! The last one occurred on June 21, 2024.

There are definitely similarities between both full moons’ energies and I recommend you refer to the article I wrote last month, “Ambrosia Of Abundance: Full Moon In Capricorn,” for the associated tarot cards and special ritual of abundance I created for you.

However, the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21st marks the end of an era. Neptune is also at 29 degrees in the sign of Pisces. Pluto retrograde is nearly conjunct with this moon at 0 degrees Aquarius.

Any time we have a planetary transit at the 29th degree of a zodiac sign we are being alerted to the fact that we have reached completion of an important phase, era or life lesson.

“The second Full Moon in Capricorn of 2024 happens on the last degree of the sign. The 29º degree of any sign, technically called the “anaretic degree”, represents a powerful point of the Zodiac wheel. When this point is activated by a transit or event, it indicates that we are about to complete a learning process, an evolutionary journey: it marks a time when issues often reach their breaking point and everything becomes more extreme.

The 29º is now being activated by both the Full Moon in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, which stationed retrograde, also on the anaretic degree, at the beginning of the month. The double activation of this point underlines the pervasive sense of instability and uncertainty, the feeling that we can’t go on as we have always done, and the sensation that something big is about to shift in an irreversible and drastic way.” (Moon Omens, https://www.moonomens.com/full-moon-in-capricorn-july-2024/)

Here’s what I believe: we are shifting deeper into the age of Aquarius. This is an important moment when we jettison the mentality of scarcity and lack. From this point on we are developing new definitions of abundance.

What is real abundance to you?

For this full moon, we will meditate on the symbolism and specific guidance of the tarot for an understanding of the energetics of ending old patterns and limited beliefs around power, money and abundance.

Aside from the tarot symbolism I outlined in last month’s article, I’d love to highlight the following cards to help you come into a deeper alignment with a new vision of prosperity.

Death, Major Arcana XIII, Planet Pluto

Death Card from Marseille Tarot Deck

Often misunderstood, the Death card is not a harbinger of doom but a powerful symbol of transformation and rebirth. Governed by Pluto, the planet of profound change and regeneration, this card invites us to embrace the cyclical nature of life.

Imagine a skeleton wielding a scythe, cutting away the old to make way for the new. This imagery represents the necessary endings that pave the way for fresh beginnings. The white rose often seen in this card symbolizes purity and the dawn of new possibilities, while a rising sun in the background reminds us that after every ending, a new day begins. This full moon is an invitation to release old limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and to welcome the transformative energies that will empower you to new spiritual growth and renewal.

This is the death of an era that began in 2008–the breakdown of banking and education systems; the belief that the government and its leaders will take care of you; and the housing/mortgage crisis to name just a few. As we watched all these institutions crumble over the past 16 years, we released our delusions of what our education, and our parents and grandparents taught us was a stable and peaceful way of life.

High Priestess Card from Tarot Original 1909 Deck

High Priestess, Major Arcana II, The Moon

The High Priestess stands as the embodiment of intuition, inner wisdom, and the mysteries of the subconscious. Ruled by the Moon, she guides us through the ebbs and flows of our emotional and psychic landscapes.

Picture her holding a scroll or book, a symbol of hidden knowledge and esoteric wisdom. The pomegranates that often surround her are rich with meaning, signifying fertility, abundance, and the divine feminine. The veil behind her hints at the thin boundary between the conscious and the unconscious, urging us to seek the truths that lie beyond the obvious. The High Priestess calls you to trust your inner voice, to explore the mysteries within, and to seek the true abundance within you that is ever-present.

7 of Cups, Minor Arcana, Water Element, Planet Neptune

7 of Cups Card from Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck

The 7 of Cups is a card of choices, dreams, and illusions, vividly illustrating the myriad possibilities that life presents. Governed by Neptune, the planet of dreams and fantasies, this card often appears shrouded in clouds or mist, representing confusion and the ephemeral nature of our desires.

In the card, a figure stands before seven cups, each offering different visions—some delightful, others daunting. This tableau symbolizes the rich array of choices before us, each with its own potential and pitfalls. It warns us of the danger of getting lost in illusions and daydreams, urging discernment between what is real and what is not. However, it also celebrates the power of imagination and vision, encouraging us to dream big and explore our creative potentials. The 7 of Cups is a reminder to navigate through the fog of choices with clarity and to harness the power of your dreams to create your reality.

Truly, you are the creator of your reality. You are the Universe in physical form. You are the dancing star illuminating the cosmic web that connects each of us in the field.

As you say farewell to old beliefs about prosperity and abundance, here’s a quick ritual:

Part 1:

  1. Light a candle and some incense. Hand over heart and take a few deep, slow breaths. Ask yourself, “What era/life lesson about abundance am I completing right now?”
  2. Write these down on a piece of paper that you can burn at the time of the full moon–you can even do this a few days before or a few days after.
  3. Now say, “I release the burdens, pain, shame and sorrow of my past. All these things on this paper are now null and void in all space, time and dimensions.”
  4. Feel free to rip the paper or burn it.

Part 2:

  1. Ask yourself, “What is my true, desired reality at this moment?” Visualize and feel into the picture of living this reality.
  2. Write it down like a story: “Once upon a time there lived a beautiful being …”  It can be any length that suits you.
  3. Place your story under your pillow and as you fall asleep call upon the High Priestess and ask her to bring you the dreams and magic to make your desire real in the manifest world.

Wishing you a blessed and fruitful Full Moon!

Join our clairvoyant tarot reader, Kris Seraphine, Ph.D every Tuesday at 12:30pm for Instagram LIVE Mini-Readings!

When: Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. 

Where: Live on Paradise Found's Instagram

Tarot is a tool that illuminates consciousness and helps transform energy. Expect to feel uplifted and enlightened! 

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