A powerful practice to heal yourself and your relationships through the magnetic power of holding a healing state of mind.
If you’ve been feeling defeated in any one of your relationships you are not alone. I personally have weathered the fall-out of friendships, and family estrangements, and according to an NPR report, “YouGov conducted a national survey last year in which 1 in 4 people said they're estranged from a family member, be it a parent, child, sibling or grandparent” (NPR, 2023). But as Catherine Ponder’s words reveal, holding a healing state of mind can enforce a magnetic power to create good, even in seemingly impossible situations.
A powerful healing tool for holding a healing state of mind that engages a magnetic power internally and externally, is the technique I will share with you here. It’s helped me effect change in my family estrangements and to navigate the inevitable conflicts in human interaction.
One thing that my spiritual teacher helped me understand is that the art and science of energy-healing is a technology and we can use this technology to heal ourselves and our relationships. The most powerful and simple tool to use is honoring the Light within yourself, and then honoring the Light within the other party.. While the word “namaste” can be translated to mean, “The light within me bows to the light within you”, you can use the phrase to honor the light within your Higher Soul, to achieve inner peace concerning any situation.
For my case, I can say each time I practice this I feel more open; less closed off. The technology of the science of energy allows you to manipulate your vibration, quickly facilitating a stronger connection to your personal Source of Love, turning you on to the truth of who you really are. Additionally, it causes the energy of the other person to become more open to the Love within them, which the ongoing conflict prevents them from accessing. In time you will notice small shifts if the hurt is deep, but if it’s a minor conflict, you can potentially affect miraculous shifts in record time.
This technique has helped my family relations and it’s something my clients use to restore romantic partnerships, sibling rivalry, and parental estrangements. I’m confident that as you practice you’ll experience the magnetic power of attracting good into your life and relationships. I invite you to share your stories of success via email (Lani@dynamichealingtherapies.com), if you want. If you need more tools to address delicate situations, feel free to book an online session with me on the Online Reader’s Portal.
Wishing you every good thing as you commence with this practice!