"We appear to be separate. There is nothing separate about us. Even our thoughts are generated from the ‘great pool’ of consciousness. Nothing is ‘mine alone’ except the combination of all things that converge here in this form."
“The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end, There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness.”
We do not come into this world just as an individual, alone and separate. The day we are born approximately 361,000 others are born. In one hour 15,000 and in one minute 250. We hold hands with many. We are moved constantly by the same desires; by the same source that generates the wind that moves the clouds, that moves the river, the ocean, the trees, the deer seeking grass etc. etc.
We appear to be separate. There is nothing separate about us. Even our thoughts are generated from the ‘great pool’ of consciousness. Nothing is ‘mine alone’ except the combination of all things that converge here in this form.
When we realize that our desires, feelings, concerns are also his/hers/theirs— life opens up, takes us deeper into belonging. In the sense of belonging is compassion. There is peace in this, as we also realize that as a great collective we move together regardless of what appears to be taking place around us. We desire to be the best possible ‘individual’ we can be. This desire, individual and collective constantly moves us further from ignorance and into wisdom.
We all, buds in Spring on the verge of unfolding, touched by the light. The light of Spring or beginnings, is innocent, pure and reveals breathtaking beauty in every detail. We have truly outgrown our conditioning; know our impermanence as phenomenal beings and realize the Truth of our eternal nature. The only flaw that we wrestle with is the thought that we are inherently flawed. All the light shows us otherwise. As we receive light, the truth of our being, it penetrates illusion. Illusion synonymous with ‘darkness’.
We follow the light as we dive deeper. Dissatisfied with skimming the surface we automatically find that we go deeper. The first new level may be what poet John Brehm refers to as ‘attentive appreciation’. Regarding poetry, attentive appreciation refers to letting go of a need to understand initially what the meaning of a poem is but to savour the words, the feelings they evoke and the sounds they create. When poetry is a sensory experience we touch and are touched in ways more intimate than when poetry is an intellectual process. We are closer to knowing Truth when we disengage our beliefs.
The same is true of life. When life becomes a sensory experience we are enraptured by the intimacy with everything we ‘touch’. Attentive appreciation regarding Life is to notice the ‘goings on’ that usually go unnoticed. Rarely are these moments egocentric and thus all lines between this or that dissolve. Without contemplating I, me, we, they, there is only this moment and Being in this moment.
Without doing anything we become infinitely expansive.
“There is no separation between being and the manifested world, between the manifested and the unmanifested. But the unmanifested is so much vaster, deeper, and greater than what happens in the manifested.
New Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio the sign that has three levels—scorpion, eagle and phoenix. With keen and penetrating insight they travel from the depths of the psyche wherein may lie significant darkness up to the light of the fires that illuminate the phoenix. In Scorpio we experience the cycle that is birth, death, rebirth and the transformative process that guides us to pure knowing. There is a deep understanding in Scorpio of the interconnectedness of all of life; that all of us journey through the basic stages of existence. Scorpios often generously offer themselves as vessels of strength and healing that the rest of us may come to see the deeper reality that they know to be true.
The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. In this New Moon chart there is an exact opposition of these two planets at the final degree of Capricorn and Cancer respectively, 29 degrees. The final degree of a sign indicates knowledge of ‘what has come to pass’ and the knowledge that change is inevitable. If there is anything left to be integrated regarding one’s understanding in either of these two signs we best do it quickly. No time to waste! The opposition gives us insight into the nature of both signs and both planets.
Astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green refers to Pluto as the source of our ‘evolutionary desires’. In his excellent book, Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Green discusses in depth Pluto’s relevance as a karmic indicator in one’s chart. The opposite point of Pluto is reasonably referred to as it’s polarity point; where Pluto wants to lead us. In this New Moon chart Pluto clearly wants to lead us to take responsible, nurturing care of our selves that we might heal our wounds of ages and see clearly the deeper desires we all share. The role of Mars as Green describes, is the instinctive action toward attaining our desires.
“...these evolutionary desires are emanating from Pluto and become instinctively acted out through the Mars placement by house and sign….this can now actually be linked to the leading edge, in every single moment, of your evolutionary development.”
Of course we can relate charts to our own personal journey in which case it is valuable to access the positions of Pluto and Mars and the aspects they make to other planets in your own chart but during a New Moon we know that the energies present have powerful effects collectively. In this case the intensity of these two planets facing off can initially be explosive, destroying what is no longer serving us in order that we might rise from the ashes and begin anew. The 29th degree says it all. We have limited time.
The Sabian Symbol that relates to this Scorpio degree is ‘A fellowship supper’.
“This symbol pictures the essential nature of the bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity. The social feeling of communion, plus all that it engenders, arises after the act performed together.”
In these few days around the New Moon in Scorpio it seems that whatever our desires may be relating to healing karmic issues, we may process on what feels like a personal level but we do this with many. Participating with others practically, in group situations, or simply by connecting with strangers in a meaningful way can only accelerate and benefit our individual process that automatically contributes to collective well being.
“Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world.”