Manifesting with The Full Moon in Leo

"The more I practice, the luckier I get." ~Gary Player

When I was 7, I learned I could get a free cookie from the local baker, if I flashed my smile and looked longingly, for long enough, at that dreamy powdered sugar cookie calling my name. Eventually, the person behind the counter would smile at me (I was smiling back) and offer me a cookie. I remember feeling delighted and lucky. As I got older it would take more than a smile to create the reality I wanted to experience, but I eventually learned the science and art of using energy to sharpen my manifesting skills. The good news is that this full moon in Leo is the perfect time to use energy to intensify your magnetism. Because I believe that success is the sum of small efforts applied regularly, I hope that the suggestions laid out below will help you use this Full Moon in Leo-energy to be more magnetic and achieve what you’re aiming for. Here are 3 points to remember to put into practice because the more you practice, it’s likely the luckier you’ll get.

Happiness is Resonant with Good Luck

Just as the full moon smiles down on us, a smile creates a receptive resonant frequency. According to a Stanford Report, a global collaboration study led by a Stanford researcher demonstrated that posing a smile improves your mood generating feelings of happiness. It doesn’t count to just bite on a pencil as once commonly thought, since engaging the jaw muscles likely creates more tension than happiness. Instead, researchers found that across the 3,878 participants, from 19 countries, when they pulled the edges of their mouths to their ears or mimicked smiling photographs, overall happiness levels increased significantly. Since the full moon in Leo is all about anchoring ourselves into the courageous heart of a lion, you can smile at the full moon making sure to take 5-7 slow rhythmic breathing cycles. Focus on being as grateful and receptive to the courageous and receptive Leo-energy as possible. As you use this smiling technique throughout your day your magnetism will increase, drawing people and opportunities to you. As you emit the energy of love and receptivity, the Universe can’t resist filling you up with good things. Make it a game and experiment!

The second energetic technique you can employ as you smile at the moon is the practice of visualization. This can take some time and some focus. The fast-form content of social media gives us so much to look at that it can be challenging. You have to take the time to paint a mental picture of what you wish for, with crystal clear clarity. This requires being by yourself and without your phone, to focus and fully engage all of your senses. Remember that smiling at the moon puts you in the ideal frequency for visualization. See the images in vivid color and put yourself in the pictures doing, saying, wearing, hearing, and feeling all the joy of that experience. If you see it in your mind's eye as a fact or even something that is already done, this is even better. You will find that even a small investment of time will produce surprising results. For example, I had (and have) been saying that I’d love to do a two-month vacation in San Miguel de Allende, a beautiful town, 4 hours south of Mexico City. It’s described as the “Heart of Mexico” and is a hubbub of artists, intellectuals and designers. I had no specific plans but during my last short trip in October, I spent some time in using these techniques and visualizing myself doing all the things you’d do in a city if one lived there. I imagined shopping in Ignacio-Ramirez Marketplace, walking down the streets to grab a delicious vegan breakfast, and dancing in the evenings at MommaMia’s Italian Restaurant to live Cuban salsa. To be fair I was doing those things in real life as a 10 day tourist, but in the evenings before going to sleep I would imagine doing all those things as if I lived there. I had no idea how or when I’d execute a two-month trip. I simply spent a bit of my bedtime routine, doing my smiling and visualization practice. On my return shuttle home, I connected with an American woman and her 5-year-old son. She had sold her business in NY 6 years ago and moved to San Miguel to open a boutique hotel. She was planning a 2-month trip for May and June and asked if I would be interested in house-sitting when she found out my partner and I are vegan because she keeps a kosher kitchen. I really shouldn’t have been surprised she was offering it to me, because I know the practices work but I really hadn’t expected it to be that soon and that easy! Before I even left Mexico, I had plans forming to return for two months. Your stories will be surprising like that too, when you use the Full Moon in Leo and apply yourself regularly.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
~Robert Collier

The last thing to remember is that the mind so easily hijacks our frequency, due to our past experiences and our attachments to what we tend to make those past experiences mean about ourselves, our level of deservingness, and the possibilities. Eliminate the words, “Never”; “I can’t”; “It’s impossible”, and the attenuating energy of doubt underwriting those word. You always have a choice about how to use your energy. Don’t let a bad mood (low frequency) ruin your focus for too long. Remember smiling and staying open are the keys, and any stress or doubt energy wallowed in puts a wrench in the flow of magnetism, moving through your body. If you need help processing some of that heavy energy to get back into flow, you can always book a session with me in the Online Reader’s Portal. Even a 15-minute session can get you back on track, so you can experience the success from the “sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out”. Another option is my online Abundance Ritual offering. It’s a live Zoom mini-class every Mon, Wed, and Fri from 9:15-9:45am. Consisting of a half-hour workshop/ritual ($15) it varies so participants can learn new practices to add to their routine. No matter how you decide to welcome in the Full Moon of Leo, I am sure you’ll increase your magnetism by experimenting with the practices. If you apply yourself, you will no doubt prove Gary Player’s words true when he said, “The more I practice, the luckier I get”.

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