The Big Dream opens up space to breathe and feel more deeply the connection we are to everything.
“Dreaming big allows you to erase the barriers built by your subconscious and see the possibilities that start to surface as soon as you let them.”
May the utterly positive touch you in a way that allows the realization of your wildest dreams. Everything is possible! A dream need not be described in words. It can be a feeling that continually moves you into the manifestation of what that feeling is. We have no need to know specifics. That energy, our biggest desires, are perpetually pursued by all of us as we navigate our way in this ever unfolding dream.
All of life is a dream. Our wildest dream is to awaken...but, before we can realize this dream it is inevitable that we fulfill many other dreams. The Sabian Symbol (please see for dedicated work on this subject) that corresponds to the degree of this July New Moon at 14 degrees 23 minutes Cancer is:
“The need that exists at an early stage of human growth to materialize the concept of fulfillment...through satiety a person learns to appreciate the desire of asceticism.”
This New Moon on July 5th is conjunct the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius. In the constellation Canis Major, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus the second brightest star.
Other facts about Sirius: it is 25.4 times more luminous than the Sun and its radius is 1.71 times that of the Sun. Why mention this? To point out the exceptional opportunity this ‘increased light’, due to it’s association with the Sun/Moon conjunction, will afford all of us for greater clarity and revealing our own (individual and collective) Truth. We cannot not be honest with our selves!
Don’t be afraid to hang your wants out like the days laundry. Let them be seen! And successfully achieved/attained! For every thing we acquire, the sense of satisfaction is, in some cases, if not all, short lived. Then we are back out on the road so to speak, looking, wanting. The more wants we check off our imaginary list the closer we get to Truth and freedom. Freedom from chasing our wants, having expectations and being busy on the roller coaster of attainment/joy and loss/disappointment.
The Big Dream opens up space to breathe and feel more deeply the connection we are to everything. We automatically position our selves with the rhythm that flows through and is, everything. In the spaciousness, the stillness is abundance. Possibility is endless.
Breathe in. Eyes closed and feel into the deepest, deepest essence of YOU. The breath suspends and YOU are free ‘here’. Thoughts are absent here or so foreign in this territory that they come and go unrecognized. YOU are tuned to a new frequency. What least serves You n this frequency will stick out like a sore thumb. And the wisdom, the Being automatically and organically will expel the superfluous and superficial.
When we breathe spaciousness we give consent to accelerate our way. It is akin to the master’s touch when they lovingly guide YOU to deeper understanding. And know that as you breathe into this spaciousness that you invite the master’s touch. Like the children we are, innocent and pure we ask for more. We ask for fulfillment of our deepest desire. To know truth of Self.
There are 3 small talent trines (2 planets in trine and one planet that sextiles both planets in trine) in this New Moon chart and one right angle triangle (two planets in opposition and one planet sextile one planet and trine to the other). All offering opportunity of a highly creative nature. We have talked about these geometries in other articles always referring to the challenges and ease with which they operate thereby motivating people with these geometries in their charts to fully express their gifts.
One will be compelled by the challenging aspects, the sextile and opposition to pursue the expression of one’s gifts indicated by the easy aspect the trine. The trine facilitates movement and grace. This New Moon energy gives you plenty of incentive to recognize your gift(s) and to know how to increase your continued expression of that. Again, it has to do with being honest with our selves and confident.
The one challenging aspect in this chart of July 5th is the opposition between Mercury in Leo (mind and intellect) and Pluto in Aquarius. Leo is creative expression of the ego self and Aquarius is a visionary expression of the collective. In Vedic astrology Pluto is an aspect of Lord Shiva, the destroyer. In this case Pluto destroys illusions and the power the ego has in perpetuating a false self. Pluto guides us to deeper understanding and transformation.
When we are freed from our beliefs, that I am this body/mind for example and the ego loses its control over us, the mind and intellect shift duties from supporting an individual identity and separation to knowing limitlessness and ‘I am that’.
We are challenged now to open up and go beyond what we think we know to be true. What we know to be true is based upon the past. Much of what we think, is based on memory. One teacher liked to ask students upon entering the room to put all their memories in a box, and now, “who are you?”
As you move more easily with the unfolding, desire for many of the things you think you want in material reality lessen. Objects of an impermanent nature cease to hold your interest. You are lighter and free and unwilling to inhibit that.
“The lightness of being is found in the acceptance of impermanence.”
Dreaming big and consciously working with the process that is your continual unfolding, reveals to you that every single moment is joy and appreciation. Joy for Being Alive and appreciation for what we experience with such intensity and such peace.
In which house does this New Moon at 14 degrees Cancer reside in your chart? Cancer is our mother/mothering, caring/nurturing qualities. Naturally ruling the fourth house in the chart it represents home, our roots and also the deepest most instinctive aspect of the ‘self’. Essentially, during this New Moon we are shining a light into the darkness and illuminating hidden aspects
of the ‘self’ without knowledge and fulfillment of, it is not possible to progress to knowing ‘Self’.
The house in which this conjunction falls will tell you in what area of your life you will feel a deep urge for greater truth, participation and fulfilling your Big Dream. The following list is a simple description of each house. For more detail please refer to
Each Astrology House, also known as a Domicile, rules a certain aspect of human life. In short:
• House 1-Identity
• House 2-Needs
• House 3-Communication
• House 4-Family
• House 5-Creativity • House 6-Service and Health • House 7-Partnerships
• House 8-Intimacy • House 9-Mastery of Knowledge and Belief • House 10-Prosperity • House 11-Community
• House 12-Purpose and Spirituality
“Our last footprint in this lifetime is our first in the next.”