Secrets of Balance, Restoring Harmony

"A deep sense of balance and harmony is felt with the recognition that there is nothing dividing this from that except our thought."

“The theory of Yin and Yang tells us that everything that surrounds us is made up of two opposite forces that harmoniously unify to favor movement and, in turn, change. So, while Yin symbolizes darkness, water, intuition, and the ability to nurture life, Yang constitutes momentum, luminosity, expansion, and fire.”

When we are quiet, listening, attentive we notice a place within that is still without thought and judgment. There, is Being. The words that might describe this ‘Being’ are calm, still, peace. The overall atmosphere is one that is thoughtless, really rather empty. The usual conditioning subsides. All elements hum in unison, undivided by thought.

This is no separation.  We realize that duality, this and that, subject and object, or everything that is perceivable is separation or dual. A deep sense of balance and harmony is felt with the recognition that there is nothing dividing this from that except our thought.

“In esoteric philosophies, duality often represents the interplay of opposing forces, such as light and darkness, creation and destruction, or masculine and feminine energies. The balance of opposites is a grand puzzle seen as essential for harmony and spiritual growth.”
~Rayyan Ansari

Balance helps us to maintain strength no matter what the external world might present us with. We remain constant, neither diving into the role of victim nor zealously adopting the role of saviour. We more easily accept what shows up. Harmony presides; the sense that all is as it is without my interference. Further, that my interference is an exercise in futility. And, as our desire to control or interfere with the external disappears, the less we are bothered by events around us.

With the mind at rest, accomplished by the realization that our thoughts contribute to imbalance and lack of harmony, the ability to listen, move and change—to go with the flow—establishes us in simplicity. Life is an organic process of which we are happily a small piece in the big picture that is something new in every moment. My attempts to figure it out or to want to know are a waste of energy.

Having patience in the face of not knowing opens the door for ‘something’ to show up that is perhaps, far more amazing than my mind can imagine right now.

When we are in equilibrium with the world we find how easily our lives unfold. Everything comes to us without much effort. There is no need to debate or deliberate as we know that what is going to occur is exactly what is going to occur based on what? Well, it is none of our business. This individual with limited understanding, cannot conceive of what actually needs to occur. It is presumptuous to assume that I have answers for problems that are created by my thinking. There is no problem. Wanting to find a resolution is a meaningless task.

Our energy is more effectively expressed when done so with a view of collective well being.  We take care for our selves and therefore others. As I honour this self so I honour all selves. Whatever I put out comes back to me. This world of duality, of yin/yang is an interdependent experience. As such our balanced presence is a valuable contribution to the collective well being. Presence, being in this moment surpasses time and suffering. In this moment we have no expectations or judgments. We are in balance and harmony with all of life.

The New Moon always presents us with a few days to give our selves up to darkness, what lies hidden, those aspects of our selves that undermine our natural sense of balance, harmony—peace. In Libra the New Moon places emphasis on those very qualities. Libra naturally rules the 7th house. By the time we arrive there we no longer operate as an I but as a we. When we become involved with the other we experience these hidden aspects reflected to us through them. We are encouraged to pay attention to what needs healing.

Libra is a masculine sign ruled by a feminine planet, Venus. The yin/yang symbol is apt for this sign as it not only represents universal balance and harmony but the interconnectedness of masculine and feminine; that they each contain a little of the other. Guiding us to that place of wholeness. In wholeness is equilibrium. The secret of balance is not to be found in anything external to the self but in recognizing that we are that, wholeness—yin/yang. Not a separate I. We realize harmony as that which is pre-existing thoughts and conditioning.

This New Moon in Libra especially emphasizes the above mentioned qualities. The dominating feature of this chart is a grand trine (3 planets 120 degrees from each other) in water. Trines are an easy flow of energy between the planets involved. Water accentuates this flow in varying degrees. Sometimes as a roaring river, or a gently meandering stream or as a placid lake. The 3 planets involved are Venus, the yin/feminine, Mars, the yang/masculine and Saturn that represents learning our lessons and taking responsibility for a more mature expression of self.

Saturn bluntly points out any egocentric tendencies that prevent one from non-judgmental observation and action. We are guided beyond our personal, materialistic desires (Venus in Scorpio) and past tendencies to react based upon my assumptions of the external environment (Mars in Cancer). Saturn in Pisces focuses on ‘redefining priorities’ particularly as Saturn is still retrograde. What do we need to work on that will free us from being a slave to our minds/egos?

Saturn is relentless in getting us to step out of old habits and patterns that are limiting so that we might embrace freedom, wholeness and harmony.

“The ringed planet is associated with discipline, responsibility, and stepping up. It helps to shape our character, imparts important life lessons, and delivers karmic challenges that we all must face to find our way to higher spiritual paths.”

The other outstanding aspect in this New Moon chart is a small talent trine (one trine, two sextiles) of the outer planets Pluto, Uranus and Neptune that together represent elimination, transformation and liberation. As we work with our karmic legacies there is a forceful contribution from these 3 outer planets that assist us to “jettison our cargo”.

During a New Moon any practice that supports increase of life force energy contributes to inner navigation and continual movement. Yoga and pranayama breathing, sama vritti or equal breath exercise, can be helpful in establishing a sense of peace, harmony and balance. These are essential allies when moving deeper toward one’s goal.

“When your prana flow or energy channels are blocked or restricted, you may experience a lack of focus and negative emotions like anxiety, fear, worry, tension, depression, anger, and grief. When your prana or energy channels are open and flowing freely and smoothly the mind becomes calm, focused, happy, positive, and enthusiastic. Thus, through the skillful and conscious use of our breathing, we can affect and regulate our emotional states.”

Yoga Basics website has wonderful guides to 10 different pranayama exercises. Sama vritti especially is designed for that sense of balance so essential to our progression on the journey. It is based on equal count on the inhale, then holding the breath a shorter count and then exhale same count as the inhale and again hold on exhale same count as hold on the inhale.

“The Yin and Yang symbol illustrates how seemingly opposing forces are not only interconnected but also interdependent, constantly interacting to maintain the balance of the natural world. “, Shiloh Kerrington

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