"Self-reflection occurs when we are ready to move beyond the grasp of the ego."
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.”
Reflection of all kinds is one way that we learn and grow. Nature reflects to us our intrinsic being. In nature we are often ‘at home’, exhilarated, challenged and ultimately at peace. Natural settings provide us with space and a timelessness in which we attune to the rhythm that runs through everything. In nature we shift from thought to ‘listening and sensing’. What we think may not be as useful as what we intuit.
Relationship provides us with a different kind of reflection. Others will reflect to us aspects of our selves that we may: A. wish to remain hidden B. simply not recognize about our selves. Judgment of our selves makes it difficult to be objective. Relationship is a valuable gift in terms of grasping a deeper understanding of who we are and where we might be in terms of honest personal reflection.
Reflection is a necessary tool to navigate from a tendency to be like the hamster on the wheel to the freedom to be ‘as we are’. Reflection can become observation when judgment desists. Awareness results. Awareness is, and has nothing to do with the egoic mind. Awareness is water undisturbed.
Disturbance is the mind/ego in action.
“Habit rules the unreflecting herd.”
Self-reflection occurs when we are ready to move beyond the grasp of the ego. Then we begin to notice everything that limits us from that beautiful sense of oneness that we feel in nature. Again, in nature no ego, no mind—just timeless being. We are, the rock, the tree, the cloud, the wind, the hummingbird etc.
During the recent pandemic people had time and reason to reflect. On a collective level, an opening happened. Collectively we moved to the opening. We ‘chose’ to accelerate our way of being present here. We are seeing some very positive effects due to a willingness, a desire for change—to be the kind, compassionate and loving beings that is our essential nature.
As individuals, our desire is to keep pace with the substantial momentum that moves us now. Even fear will not prevent us from letting go and freeing our selves from old habits and attachments that perpetuate that from which we suffer. Light penetrates even to the darkest corners of our existence. Our levels of attachment run deep and include things of which we may not be aware. The light touches our vulnerablities and insecurities fiercely and lovingly.
“The cosmos is evolving toward greater self-reflection, allowing us to open the eye of Spirit and see our source.”
On the nights of the 12th, 13th and 14th, the Full Moon, the Ice moon, the Winter moon will shine with metallic brilliance. If in a moment we bathe our selves in this light what message do we receive? What is being reflected to us through the luminous moon? It is an experience to be savored as these days portend much. When we sense the deeper meanings conveyed to us through nature our journey becomes a gift in itself rather than an arduous undertaking.
Generally I have written about the New Moon (sun conjunct moon)--inner reflection. The conscious self, sun and the instinctive, emotional self, moon. Deeper acquaintance with Self. Now taking a look at the full moon I wondered what opportunity does it offer? As a full moon is the moon in opposition to the sun and reflects to us through the light of the sun, it represents an opportunity for clearer insight into the conscious self. The emotional, instinctive self at one end of the opposition relating to/through the conscious self at the other end of the opposition.
If we take a look at the chart for this full moon, we see the moon in Cancer (conjunct Mars) in opposition to the sun in Capricorn (conjunct Pluto). Simply put this is an alignment that asks for transformation of the conscious self that cannot occur without transformation of the emotional self.
Cancer moon is about nourishing and nurturing. The moon in general is the mother and rules Cancer. Capricorn is the builder who creates structure that serves to support the family (also represented by Cancer), is ruled by Saturn often described as the father.
Here we have a profound axis that describes, on an individual level our beginnings—parents. This axis being accentuated now by the action oriented Mars in the sign of its detriment (weakening). As such, some less attractive emotional content may be expressed at this time. Particularly when we remember that Pluto is in opposition to this duo demanding elimination of emotional content that acts as a limiting factor to growth.
Cancer also represents the past and patterns that we may have inherited. This is a poignant time to assess our current position on the road to deeper self understanding knowing that some of what I judge myself for, is not even mine/me but stuff that is familial inheritance.
The Moon XVIII of the Tarot tells of a need to go deep within to discover what lies hidden in the recesses of our memories. When we bring this repressed emotional content up and out into the light, it loses power. The fears dissipate and fall away. We radiate then, like the Sun XIX and are free to be joy, play and warmth for all to receive.
The Full Moon is ultimately the Sun and Moon in perfect balance. Pluto that rules the sign Scorpio has depth and power and is the higher octave of Mars that is superficial and action. Essentially by evolving the emotional self from a place of conditioned expression we bring it into balance so that the conscious self can integrate more easily the enlightening experience of proximity to Pluto.
Also involved in this transformative process are Uranus (the wayshower, the enlightener) in aspect to Moon/Mars and Sun/Pluto and Neptune (boundless, inspiration and profound, spiritual insight). All of these astronomical bodies lie within close connection to one another forming what we have talked about on numerous occassions, two small talent trines—challenge but with opportunities to grow, expand one’s knowing and create with considerable success.
At this time, and moving forward, we can get closer to attaining whatever goal is presently most important to us if we are willing to remove our band aids, as Adam Elenbaas advises in his article about this Full Moon. (nightlightastrology.com) Our band aids being the illusions we carry that leave us in a weakened position, incapable of fully ‘shining our light’ and being joy.
Be prepared for some turbulence and also for the great leap forward that will happen as a result of our collective effort to rid our selves of centuries of repetition. This Full Moon in Cancer is not for the weak hearted. Kindness for self and others is the way to avoid some of the turbulence. The road may be bumpy but the vehicle is sound.
“Reflect upon your present blessings – of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”