2017 Class Schedule: The Science of Intuitive Energy Healing Work, with Lani Reagan

Lani Reagan

Paradise Found is happy to be hosting a year's worth of monthly classes led by Lani Reagan - certified intuitive life coach - every 3rd Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:30pm.


Intuition is possessed by all, but latent in most. Additionally anyone with the will to do good, has the innate capacity to use intuitive energy healing techniques to accelerate their healing process or that of their loved ones. You will want to make this a regular part of your monthly learning curve as Lani not only teaches, but also does group healings and encourages you to practice what you learn. Her capacity to reach the hearts of her student and to assist them in facilitating transformation makes her sessions lively, interesting and fun.

Monthly topics listed below...


January - First Things First

It all starts with a thought and a cleansing. Purify the thought patterns for alignment with your goals for the year. Here's to making it an exceptional year for all in attendance and beyond. Come with an intention or two in mind. Learn techniques for right co-creations. Practice group meditation for energizing your thought forms with intensified group energy. This sets the tone for other classes in the year. Regular attendance can be used to track your progress from month to month.


February - Virtue or Vice

How the shadow side of our natures can co-exist with the best in ourselves and others. Learn techniques for managing negative emotions so that our momentum in living stays at a progressive pace. Interactive and relevant to the intentions set in the January workshop or at the top of the year, this session is open to anyone even if they have never attended previously. Group meditation to expand and strengthen the positive aspects of each chakra.


March - You Can Do It!

Exploring the field of all possibilities while improving your mental focus and ability to follow through. Working with the basic and heart chakras to create our positive intentions as we finish the quarter more ahead of the game than before. Emphasis is on disintegrating tendencies towards procrastination and fear of perceived failures or fear of success. Group meditation to encourage and strengthen the will to do good.



April- Love Is in the Air (the science of sex energy)

For having and growing loving connection with our partners or finding a soul mate to brighten our life's journey. Learn: techniques for more connected communication, energy principles governing sex energy and how to use it for enhanced experiences. Attitudes towards the topic of sex energy will be discussed and any latent puritanical thought-forms lodged in the chakras will be purified. Group meditation for activation of the heart center and blessings on unions of all those present and a calling in of soul mate's for students looking for partnership.


May - Love what you Do and the Money will Follow

Find the keys to creating satisfying work and those that make your present work more satisfying. Values based meditation to help you generate income from the inside out. Janna yoga section using the yoga of reasoning to move you from your current mode of employment into a new structure for economic success. Techniques focused on strengthening and activating the basic, heart and ajna chakras.


June - Relaxation for Re-Creation's

The stress of the year and life events keep us from remembering how to relax or the value of taking down time. Learn convenient techniques for making the most of your waiting times by turning them into mini-rejuvenation sessions. Use of essential oils and sprays in this workshop will make it fun and interactive from a different angle. Bring an empty and clean 3oz spray bottle to make your own aura spray and leave with a new tool in hand.


July - The Crystal Ball of Intuition

Developing our natural intuition can happen spontaneously or with applied intention. Learn specific principles governing the development of your natural intuition (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance) as well as techniques to practice for increasing your sensitivities and inner sight. Relaxation workshop is a preparation for this class. Bring your essential oil spray for use in exercises. First time students are welcome. Discussion and meditation to activate your dominant psychic ability. 


August - Intuitive Reading Circle

Bring your questions and wonderings to this circle-in-the-round event as we channel answers and do energetic corrections in a group reading session. Come with one or two inquiries on any topic of your life and leave feeling more directed and confident. You will find the wisdom channeled may answer a number of questions gnawing at you even if you were not the person being addressed. Answers given in respectful ways without disclosing personal information. This is a cost effective way to experience Lani's life coaching work and to taste the healing experience of her work.



September - Winter is Coming

Focus is on the divine feminine energy of the Heart to impact change and healing in the world at all levels. Love energy does heal all things, but is not wimpy or in-effective. Rather love energy increases receptivity and is itself transforming. Come with specific aspects of your life that need a tune-up and use the energy generated throughout the workshop to bless these and the world at large.


October - Consciousness on the Inner Plane

Discussion of the nature of the human spirit and soul energy; Consciousness's that exist without a body and the nature of Soul Evolvement. This workshop focuses on the spirit behind Halloween and how we can use our present energy to facilitate the growth of all sentient beings even those of our loved ones who have passed.

November - So you want to have a healing practice?

Making your living helping others to heal and develop. Class focuses on how to take natural healing skills into the current market to generate income that supports your financial goals and emotional needs for fulfillment. Class is technique based but also presents some strategies for success. Meditation focused on materialization factors and increasing manifesting energy of the basic chakra. 

Classes are $20 for those who preregister, and $25 at the door.






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