Love is the most misunderstood and abused word in our vocabulary. Love is now the engine of our evolution...The evolution of multisensory humanity requires learning to love, exploring every aspect of love, and enjoying every possibility of love. The only way that we can evolve, therefore, is elegantly simple; discover, experience, and heal the parts of ourselves that do not love, and discover, experience, and cultivate the parts that do.
~Gary Zukav
Greetings to our friends and community,
It’s a noun, it’s a adverb, it’s a verb…no it includes and transcends all of those…it’s LOVE. No wonder we muddle about with it; our language uses love in all these ways.
The grammar I am most interested in exploring in the now is love as an adverb. In what way can my being-ness and/or actions be described as love, as loving? Love in action. Love as a noun is the container; love as an adverb is a description of my doing.
Here are some practical guidelines from Gary Zukav’s Spiritual Partnership:
Striving to make all my interactions Conscious and Loving
The full exploration and expression of LOVE is humanities new frontier. As intrepid explorers and trailblazers, let's get this wagon train movin!
In Love,
Teresa, Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found