Black Tourmaline~Stone of Protection, Health, & Boundaries

Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is often regarded as one of the most powerful and effective stones to use for psychic protection. It is worn as a talisman to guard from psychic attack and to deflect negative energy of all kinds. It guards against electromagnetic stress caused by electronic devices and can be placed around computers to harmonize the energy field of the area it occupies.

Holding a piece of Black Tourmaline or wearing it as jewelry can have the wonderful effect of stopping negative thinking- it transforms a negative mentality and unhappy thought patterns--first by stopping the negativity, and then by gradually transmuting it into something positive and workable. When worn or carried it prevents the wearer from picking up negative energy that is not their own. Often we are exposed to stressful environments or are surrounded by people with negative attitudes or "victim mentalities" who drain the energy of those around them. Carrying Black Tourmaline helps to create an energetic boundary between yourself and others, reinforcing your own vitality and transmuting the inharmonious vibrations around you into something acceptable and workable.

Black Tourmaline has a cleansing and regulating effect, grounding and integrating disparate energies. It is a stone that is useful to everybody, as it helps regulate all forms of energy exchange. It is helpful to hold a piece of this stone to restore balance and a positive outlook when faced with stressful circumstances, it helps the mind integrate emotions in an organized fashion, grounding thoughts and feelings into the moment and bringing relief from anxiety and mental pressure. It encourages healthy boundaries for those that have trouble saying "no" or whose kindness is taken advantage of, and it is very useful for anyone that healing work as it helps to establish firm energetic boundaries between oneself and the patient.

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