Book Picks: Moon Mother, Moon Daughter ~ Myths and Rituals that Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age by Janet Lucy and Terri Allison

moon mother, moon daughter

Moon Mother, Moon Daughter ~ Myths and Rituals that Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age by Janet Lucy and Terri Allison 2011

How would it be different if mothers looked forward to their daughters’ first steps into womanhood with the same anticipation and excitement as they had for her very first steps toward walking? What if there was a whole community of women waiting to receive her into womanhood? What if there was a way for mothers and daughters to walk together?

With the moon as a guide and a symbol, Moon Mother, Moon Daughter introduces a whole new approach to the coming of age years, a time to strengthen the mother-daughter connection with the support of community, and celebrate female gifts and wisdom. Moon Mother, Moon Daughter is a practical and concrete guide rooted in ancient traditions and timeless wisdom.

Janet Lucy, MA, is an award-winning writer and poet, and the author of Moon Mother, Moon Daughter ~ Myths and Rituals that Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age (Publishing by the Seas, Second Edition, 2011) and The Three Sunflowers (Publishing by the Seas, 2012), a children’s book for all ages. She has been a contributor to Mothering, Mamalode, Natural Solutions, The Sun, Skirt! and Real Travel magazines.

Janet holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Antioch University and a California Teaching Credential from UC Santa Barbara. She is the Founder/Director of Women’s Creative Network (WCN) in Santa Barbara, California, a consulting business emphasizing intuitive, creative and professional development through writing. Janet offers individual consulting & counseling, weekly writing groups, workshops, and international writing retreats in Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru and Italy.

QP, 15.95For more on the book launch at Paradise Found!See the event on Facebook here!

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