I acknowledge the four elements. Water in the North; incense to recognize the air in the East; flowers for the earth in the South; a candle for light from the West.It helps me keep perspective.
~Laura Esquivel
Sweetgrass is one of our favorite aromatic burnables at Paradise Found. Use it this Fall for cleansing, protecting and creating stillness for the change of seasons, and to bring sweetness to the season of change.Jean Marie Herzel uses sweetgrass as one of the symbols on the Judgement card in her beautiful new deck of Nature Spirit Tarot. Judgement is our invitation to come into the Light. It dares us to perceive wisely, so that we may play our true role as part of the awakening of the One Consciousness in the world. No wonder she chose Sweetgrass as a symbol.Here is her description: 'Common Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata) is a perennial that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is also known as Holy Grass. In Europe, during the Middle Ages, it was spread on cathedral floors to fill the holy space with its rich aroma, to invite a calm and meditative state, and to attract beneficial energies among the worshipers.Sweetgrass has always been used in rites and ceremonies, and to maintain sacred spaces. It is commonly burned as incense. The smoke promotes cleansing, purification, and healing. Indigenous people of North America regard Sweetgrass as one of the most sacred of the herbs.Sweetgrass symbolizes self-realization. It is also believed to invoke change, and to bring protection and blessings. Strands of the grass woven together represent growth and the powers of renewal. Sweetgrass is an esoteric messenger of the ether, quieting our senses and aiding us in calling spirits.'
-Jean Marie Herzel from Nature Spirit Tarot
Sweetgrass is the hair of our Mother; separately, each strand is not as strong as the strands are when braided together.
~ Mary Ritchie