New Moon June 19, 2012 @ 28 degrees Gemini 11:02 a.m. EDT 8:02 a.m. PDTFrancoise Gauquelin (b. June 19, 1929) Swiss astrologer and statistician, born in French-speaking Switzerland. She attended the University of Paris, where she received a degree in statistics. In Paris she met and married Michel Gauquelin.While still in school, the two began to collect birth dates of large groups of people to determine if there was any relationship between the positions of the planets in the solar system and such factors as a person's choice of profession.In their search for correlations they concentrated on outstanding professionals—sports champions, army officers, scientists, and so on. One of the first patterns they found was the presence of the planet Mars at either the horizon or the mid-heaven (two significant positions in the birth chart) at the time of birth. The frequency of these occurrences far exceeded any normal distribution due to chance alone and gave rise to the name "Mars effect" denoting a significant correlation between the position of the planets and professional achievement. Writers, for example, had a significantly positioned Moon, and scientists a significantly placed Saturn.This New Moon precedes Summer Solstice by a day and a half. As such it influences the experiences we may have until September 22 (Fall Equinox). With the moon in Gemini there is a good chance for play, great communication and discovering new and/or more about any of your favorite subjects. Short trips are also part of what Gemini has in mind.The Sabian Symbol for this moon at 29 degrees (always round up to the nextdegree) is “the first mockingbird of Spring”. Though the seasons are misaligned, the intention is the same as spring can refer to what is new just as a New Moon applies to what bursts forth after hibernation (Balsamic moon phase). Mockingbirds are playful and great communicators especially when attracting a mate or defending territory. They have a repertoire of between 50 and 200 songs. They draw on collective material with which to successfully achieve their goals.Perhaps the lesson is for us to look at not just mimicking our ancestors but how toutilize the collective information and to evolve beyond its limitations. In nature if an action does not produce positive results that plant or animal will evolve in order to survive. Surely that is humanity’s current trajectory. And without judgment, we may trust in the process and our own ability to know and be in accordance with what is. When we observe, in the moment, what best serves, what is, we see that there is nothing necessary to do and everything will support this. We are quite brilliantly being in perfection and service to that which is beyond time and limitation. Whatever shows up astrologically will support “that” and not really, the other way around.At this New Moon we might find our selves communicating, singing in harmony with the collective voice of knowing. And with short bursts of energy racing to arealization that leaves one actually, speechless. I do know Gemini’s who are notblabbermouths. They are good listeners. Where one’s Mercury shows up by house and sign has a definite influence on a Gemini Sun/Moon.Mercury in the June 19th chart is at 21 degrees Cancer square to Saturn, sextile Mars, Vesta and the Black Moon Lilith and trine Juno does have a lot to say though we might not hear it. Our visceral experience of environment and people will be more significant than anything communicated through conventional means. An opening occurs that promotes relating from a different place to a different place. Sensitivity toward the self and others results in more harmonious and loving interaction as what we are expressing is not a product of the mind but an offering from the heart.In mutual reception these two planets merge. The instinctive self, the emotional self and the intellect unite. The experience and the expression are one. What the head takes in from a place of feeling results in the instinctive expression of that. Words may not be exchanged. And if sensitivity can be directed away from taking things personally and clinging to the past for security the exchange can be a deeper level of connection. In relationship this has obvious and beautiful repercussions. In every day interaction what occurs can be equally as beautiful and intimate.With the Black Moon Lilith involved any manner of fear may present itself upon this delicate journey but Saturn’s persistent presence will undoubtedly lend a shove to those who are timid about stepping from the shadow into the light. Feeling offers truth when the mind is not involved and the mind rests in the depths of feeling. Black Moon encourages deep visitation. Juno in Scorpio as part of the scenario emphasizes partnership, intimate and meaningful, so, though Gemini has a reputation for superficiality in this particular story there is insufficient space to sidestep issues, flit or flee. Vesta works to keep the fires of our passions or our true desires burning brightly. We will remain focused on that which establishes real, firm footing.In exact aspect to the New Moon is Ceres, the great mother and representative ofnurturing and unconditional love. In that, we have to know what we may expectfor these summer months (to be continued indefinitely) is a powerful sharing ofthose qualities most dear to us as loving beings. These qualities are characteristicof the moon too. We have repetitive patterns within this chart that bode well fordispersement of our natural tendency toward compassion, kindness and caring.(This semi-sextile promotes focus on achieving something that may seem difficult or overwhelming)A final feature for discussion is the trio at 8 degrees that carries on a separate andsupporting role during this New Moon. Uranus in Aries, Venus in Gemini (retrograde and going direct on June 27th) and Pluto in Capricorn dominate a sub level of activity that encourages transformation and evolution as regards experience of the superficial self and values. Engaged is our relationship to ego, how that operates within us and how it has the tendency to inhibit our natural self-expression.I like the notion of the “Mars Effect”. It pertains to what quadrant Mars occupies in a chart. We cannot focus on its position in this discussion as Mars will change houses and likely quadrants as we travel across the 3 thousand mile span between coasts. But as Mars is a motivator it might be worthwhile to examine your own natal Mars and transiting Mars, the quadrants they occupy in your chart and how you are motivated to act in relation to this New Moon and current events in general.Transiting Mars still in Virgo assures us a gentle and sensitive motivation for our expression and if we can realize that everything is already perfect we do not need to tyrannize our selves in terms of reaching an impossible ideal. Rather the place of peace inhabits the wisdom of knowing it is already “here”.A side note: Saturn goes direct on June 25th at 1:01 a.m. PDT. This is big! Everything we have been cogitating over will suddenly find wings and rise! Self imposed boundaries disappear and desire to race headlong into whatever is next is released. We may stand in the starting gate now but the minute the bell rings we spring into action and full speed tear up the track on our way to perceived victory. We may end up exactly where we began minus the sense that we are stalled in a traffic jam. I don’t ordinarily get too excited about such events but this planet going direct is tinged with great anticipation!