Another warm summer season is upon us, and we’re all looking to our favorite ways to beat the heat. Maybe yours is a refreshing glass of iced tea or a double scoop of McConnell’s ice cream. Perhaps it’s partaking in a water balloon fight with the kids or taking a dip in the great Pacific. No matter your preferred method, when the weather gets warm, these crystals will help calm your energy and soothe your soul.
With its soft blue color and sparkling translucence, Aquamarine embodies water in its purest form. Used as a tool for cleansing, calming and enhancing trust, it is an excellent stone for soothing a heated mind. In addition to its cooling properties, Aquamarine is great for opening channels of peaceful communication which allow the user to speak their truth with clarity and heart. It is prophesied to be a treasure of the mermaids and has been used as a talisman of courage and good luck to all travelers of the sea, making it a must have for any summer vacation.
Fossil Cetacean, or fossilized whale ear bones, made their way into the shop and we couldn’t be more excited about them! They come from 20 million year old Sperm whales whose magnificent remains were discovered in North Carolina. When held ear to ear, the ancient ocean resonance can still be heard as it has been sonically preserved in the bones. As these fossils are a fusion of bone and earth from a prehistoric oceanic giant, there is infinite potential for connecting to higher realms, increasing clairvoyant abilities and enhancing lucid streams of consciousness. When the heat is getting to you, call on the whale spirits to guide you back to the relaxing and revitalizing power of ocean.
Celestite is often referred to as a “stone of the angels”, as it helps connect to the celestial and angelic realms through the crown and third eye, as well as enhancing expression through the throat chakra. It facilitates deep states of meditation and improves dream recall, providing clarity of mind and refined emotional stability. A stone of peace and harmony, it is a wonderful aid in reducing stress and tension from heated circumstances. Its intense cooling and uplifting properties make it the ideal tool for escaping the heat and traveling into the cosmic mind space.
I’d like to conclude this article with a friendly reminder that crystals are tools for self-empowerment and development. They are not recommended to be used on their own. Please remember to stay hydrated and protect yourself with sunscreen and hats if you are enjoying extended periods of time in the sun. That being said, whether you have access to the sea or are a land-locked mermaid, I hope you all find some relief from the heat, time to dip your fins in the ocean and enjoy the comforting qualities of these three stones. May they assist you on your journeys this summer and beyond!