As we approach Thule’s birthday, I am reminded of the need to celebrate the passing of a great friend and co-worker. He was an inspiration, and such a delight it was to be in his presence. His loving and caring energy was divine in nature. In fact, our Pet Therapist extraordinaire, was kind enough to heal me of my issues with dogs. Issues, I came to realize, that had nothing to do with dogs, but rather the occasional, irresponsible dog owner. And now, I have two beautiful dogs of my own, and I could not imagine life without either one.
In honor of Thule, I present one of the most beautiful CD’s in our store, Illumination by Solitudes. Hands down, our best-selling CD, as well as a staff favorite. I highly recommend this album for everyone's collection! Come on in and check it out for yourself. We have listening booths where you may sample every music CD we carry!
Gregorian chant has a serene, spiritual beauty that transcends time and place. This album…pairs the lush polyphony of the Pittsburgh Latin Mass Community's Gregorian Schola with gentle piano, violin…and cello, resulting in a sound that uplifts and soothes. In the backdrop; the sounds of songbirds, frogs and other wildlife.