DJ Darren January 2012~Peace Through Music

A New Year is here! Hard to believe how quickly it has arrived. It has been quite the ride this year & I’m sure that for many people, including myself, it was full of the unexpected; some good & some not.

Ring in a fresh start to the new year with music for raising your vibration. Get inspired and stay inspired, by our sound healing CDs! We have many to choose from…

Certain forms of music, like beautiful fragrances, awaken associations in us that are primordial, eternal and ultimate. These timeless associations call us to the core of our spiritual being.

108 Sacred Oms by Valley of the Sun—One of my favorite new CDs in the store; listen to sounds of ethereal female vocals interspersed among a gong being struck 108 times & each time followed with Tibetan monks singing the sound of Om. The final amazing addition? Ocean waves…amazing!

2013: Ecstatic Sonics by Jonathan Goldman—Eighteen tracks with different mantras, chants & sacred sounds for assisting & enhancing vibrational activation and frequency shifts. Literally the first time ever for use of specific frequencies to encode the emotional states of joy & ecstasy.

Divine Name: Sounds of the God Code by Gregg Braden & Jonathan Goldman— “What would it mean if The Divine Name—the personal name of God encoded within the DNA of all life—could be reproduced with the human voice in its original form? Now you can experience the power, mystery and healing of The Divine Name for yourself!

Liquid Bells by Damien Rose—Listen to the mastery of Tibetan singing bowls! “20 Tibetan singing bowls take you into a place of deep relaxation and meditation, moving into the gentle clarity of non-judgmental peace.”

Pure Sounds by The Gyuto Monks of Tibet— The deep harmonic overtone chanting of the Gyuto monks has been compared to ‘the resonance of a drum or digeridoo and is believed to have a transformative effect—removing impurities in a physical and spiritual sense and clearing the path to enlightenment.

Tibet Nada Himalaya 2 by Deuter—Take a journey with one of the most relaxing singing bowls CDs you will ever hear. Deuter adds his finesse for relaxing music to the already sublime sounds of Tibetan metal singing bowls.

Enjoy & blessings be with you in the New Year!

Om Shanti

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