DJ Darren~May Peace Through Music

Arguably the most well known singer of the chanting world, Krishna Das is an icon. It is impossible to be a chanter and not be familiar with him or his music. The steady drone of the harmonium and the rich baritone of his voice, soothes and his rock star style of Kirtan just makes everyone want to dance. His music employs a “perfect storm” of Eastern & Western musical elements. This is the man responsible for putting sacred Sanskrit mantras on the map.

And he has a brand new CD!

Kirtan Wallah by Krishna Das

Kirtan Wallah, translated as "One Who Sings Kirtan" is simple and sublime, presenting eight lengthy tracks that pair Sanskrit mantra chant with flow with rich harmonium vibes, acoustic guitar, sunny percussion, bansuri flute and, of course, a luminous chorus of singers.

Highly recommended for lovers of Krishna Das and new Kirtan devotees alike!

At what would turn out to be my last darshan of Maharaj-ji's physical body, I was petrified with fear about returning to the U.S. after so many years. I hadn't worn a pair of jeans or shoes for such a long time that I couldn't imagine what it would be like. I didn't want to ask Maharaj-ji what I should do in America, but all of a sudden I blurted out in anguish, 'Maharaj-ji! How can I serve you in America?'

He looked at me with mock disgust and said, 'What is this? If you ask how you should serve then it is no longer service. Do what you want.' I couldn't believe my ears. How could doing what I wanted to do be of service to him? I didn't have that kind of faith. I just sat there, stunned. Then after a minute or so he looked over at me, smiling sweetly, and asked, 'So, how will you serve me?'

Kirtan Wallah by Krishna Das 2

My mind was blank. It was time for me to leave for Delhi, to catch the plane back to the States. He was looking at me and laughing. I bent down and touched his feet for the last time and when I looked up, he was beaming at me, 'So, how will you serve me in America?' I felt like I was moving in a dream. I floated across the courtyard and bowed to him one more time from a distance. As I did, the words came to me, 'I will sing to you in America.'

Soon afterwards, during the full moon in September, Neem Karoli Baba left his body. Now he had to be found within. The chanting, the meditation, the puja and all the wonderful time spent with Maharaj-ji turned out to be seeds that he himself had planted in my heart... seeds that would keep growing and blossom by his Grace.

For a great article on Krishna DasOm ShantiKirtan Wallah:

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