DJ Darren~October Peace Through Music

Just in! Winner of “Best New Age Album” in the 2012 COVR Awards, Crystal Keys: Songs to Awaken & Heal by Lia Scallon; incorporating the sounds of Sirius—a CD filled with Sacred Song & Meditations to Uplift the Soul.

Each track on the album is dedicated to a Master Crystal. This music is infused with the vibrational messages from the Master Deva of an individual crystal for greatest benefit in connection with our powerful crystal allies. Lia Scallon’s music has long been comprised of compositions both celestial and ethereal in origin. Combine that with chants from the beautiful “Language of Light” and you have the makings of a very unique and quite stunning album. Receive the crystal keys with an open heart!

In a time when many are ready to awaken to a New Earth Consciousness, Crystal Keys - Songs to Awaken and Heal provides us with an exceptional new tool: Lias voice and music carry coded Messages of Light - Crystal Keys - to unlock the doorways to the heart and soul, helping the listener to awaken and heal at the deepest levels.

In ancient times these Light codes were available in the sacred sound chambers of Ancient Egypt and the legendary Crystal Healing Temples of Atlantis and Lemuria, where priests and priestesses used sacred sound to unlock the healing energies, information and Light held within the crystalline realms. Now, in this magnificent and powerful recording, these Crystal Keys areavailable to us, once more.

Om Shanti

Enjoy the opening track from this album...

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