FlashPoint 2012 by Ken Kalb ©

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Wonder Wheel![/caption]

FlashPoint 2012 by Ken Kalb ©

What a miracle it is to be alive as the Big Wheel is making the turn on December 21, 2012. The galactic tide is now changing directions, ladies and gentleman, like the ocean tides do each day. If we are correct in our timing of this astounding fractal in the space-time continuum -- this is the final heartbeat of an age. Mother Earth will have completed a full revolution through all 12 astrological ages of the 26000-year Great Year. The galactic compass is now pointing true North at the solstice stillpoint, and the shifting tide is opening the portal of infinite possibility. What crashes in ashes and rises from the remains will birth the life of our destiny’s offspring. Indicators and significators from numerous cosmologies -- most famously Mayan -- have signaled this change. And despite the plethora of both measured analysis and inflated or arcane hyperbole -- we can see it, we can feel it, and we simply just know it.

Or as Bob Dylan once sang, “something is happening here, and you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Jones.

Of course the key to each of our individual responses to any intensified force field is our own evolution or vibration. And this portal seems to be empowering humans in diverse directions. At the highest level, perhaps this time represents a spiritual opportunity for a great evocation of the powers of the heart, an illumination of human genius, and a test of our incredible will to survive. Yet a broad spectrum of darker frequencies -- like visionless greed, the cancer of the soul -- are also boosted as endless war and the indiscriminate scramble for money and power are still the law of the Earth jungle. We are in a charged time of dichotomy where the miraculous and the miserable are evolving simultaneously side by side.

People all over the planet will be tuned in, and millions will be mobilizing according to their beliefs and passion in awe and anticipation of the auspicious moment. Meditate, sing, dance, laugh, hoop, drum, hug, kiss, make love, surf, get married, do something you love like there IS no tomorrow. Deep inside I muse about what could happen if we could only get everyone pulling together toward a higher vision. And lots of people of goodwill are, like the One Earth One Voice initiative (www.oneearth-onevoice.org)

And I imagine there are still those who think this Mayan end date encoded in temple stone is an actual end time, waiting for the walls to come tumbling down.

Here are some musings and meanderings in light of this period of Flashpoint 2012.

Signs of a New Beginning: The 11:11 Code

Pythagoras once said, “all truth lies in numbers.” It is noteworthy that 12/21/2012 breaks down numerologically to 11 One’s. The number One -- first number after zero -- marks new beginnings, and 11 is the number of illumination. Interestingly, one’s and zero’s comprise the basis for all computer coding. So like the end point of the 13th and final baktun of the Mayan calendar, our own calendar seems to point to a certain odometric reset of the human timing frequency. But most mind boggling to me is the astronomical fact that Winter Solstice, 2012 occurs at precisely 11:11 AM Greenwich Mean Time -- the absolute time reference on our planet. Human and divine timing systems are certainly in sync.

The Window and the Shift of the Ages

My 1995 book “The Grand Catharsis, An Astrolog of the Shifting Ages,” dubbed the period 1996 to 2012 The Window, or cusp period between the former Piscean and dawning Aquarian dispensations. This was based on a progression of planetary movements, boosted frequencies of galactic alignments, as well as the peak of the 11-year solar cycle -- all culminating around the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012. All of these forces would accelerate the rate of change. The Aquarian Age would no longer just dawn, but rise … Awake. And the birth pangs during the next three years of the 7 dynamic square formations of planets Uranus the Awakener, and Pluto the Transformer -- as Earth enters the galactic alignment zone -- would mark a period of massive breakdowns and breakthroughs on virtually all levels.

Presto Chango

Between 1996 and 2015, Earth’s passage through this Galactic Alignment Zone -- namely the Winter solstice Sun with the Galactic equator -- has been accompanied by an escalation of etheric energy. Age “cusps” are also high-frequency zones, so the energy of Uranus -- key ruler of the new Aquarian Age -- is highly amplified. Uranus spins sideways to all of the other planets and its motion is retrograde -- likely caused by some cataclysmic cosmic collision. Zany Uranus also rules earth changes, revolution, innovation, and the very spark of evolution -- the mechanism of change itself. Its discovery in 1781 wasconcurrent with the discovery of electricity, as well as various political upheavals including the American and French Revolutions. The very day Uranus entered Aries on March 11, 2011, the massive 9.0 earthquake and terrible Tsunami tore up Japan. The squares with Pluto and Saturn have seen drastic transformation on many levels.

It seems that Uranian -- and really all evolutionary energies --have been boosted during the Window period. We don’t have to be astrologers to see the proof of this Age shift. Consider how many people were connected to the internet before the Window opened, and the multitudes now plugged in. That would be a couple thousand compared to a few billion! Consider who had cell phones, and now who doesn’t. Before the Window opened you might have to use a pay phone! When I opened my yoga studio in the 80’s, people thought I was nuts. Now, it’s standing room only and there are studio’s everywhere, even like Bakersfield!

Amplified Uranian/Aquarian frequency is the inspired wizardry of the human mastermind, the mother of invention enchanting us with human genius-- like a quantum trampoline of technological innovation. Medical Science has cracked the genetic code, physics has found the Higgs Boson or God Particle, and astronomers have discovered life-enabling water throughout the planets of our solar system. In the Window, mail has transformed into email, books are now ebooks, cd’s are now downloads, retail is now etail. 25 years after the advent of the PC, over a billion humans walk around with a computer-phone as part of their hand capable of instantly connecting around the world. This acceleration of innovation is stretching human imagination in a force field so rapid, that anything is possible. Presto Chango!

Yet at the same time, darker frequencies with dimmer dispositions of this energy can also manifest as the madman or the terrorist, the cyber-criminal or mass-murderer.

Pole Shift or Bi-Polar Disorder

The poles will not shift geo-physically on 12/21/2012, but there is indeed a polarity in human consciousness. On the one hand, many humans are awakening to the beauty of heart, the genius of mind and the divinity of our souls. On the other, the bulk of consensus reality makes our hearts explode. Corporations and governments are committing ecocide and threatening our very existence while denying it in the name of the Almighty dollar. They are draining the EarthBlood from our planet, darkening our sacred skies, modifying our food, poisoning our water and oceans, and murdering thousands of sacred species. This greed- fueled power drive is eviscerating our planet, and governments devote the bulk of our resources to the war machine. Every minute of the war in Afghanistan, for example, costs more than the average American earns in a year. There are 820 million chronically hungry humans on Earth and 20,000 children die of starvation every single day. Yet we throw enough food away each day to feed them all. As scripture notes, “Where there is no vision, the people perish …”

We either change when things no longer work or when we are infused with inspiration. Evidence abounds. The 2012 election demonstrated that the US political system is ready for extinction. Global economies are only holding together by fancy financial sleight of hand, and continual kicks of the proverbial can down the road. The US economy dances over “the fiscal cliff,” which is just one hill in a massive mountain range of debt. If every one of the 7 billion people inhabiting Mother Earth put in a dollar, it would take 1500 Earthfuls just to pay off the government’s credit card. On and on. The true polarity is that the terrific and the terrible are now intertwined and living side by side.

Age of Miracles

At the same time, we know we have all the resources for healing, sustainability and peaceful existence at our disposal. Every moment we are reminded that love is the most potent force in the universe, that the human heart is capable of anything. We know we are all connected, not just on the internet, but on the Innernet of divine spirit. And the law of transformation tells us that every ending births a new beginning.

There have been many conscious attempts to gather people’s of goodwill together spark an awakening including Harmonic Convergence, GaiaMind, and my own effort sponsoring the LightShift initiative at the Millennium. I salute any and all efforts to come together and awaken, individually and collectively. I think true awakening is engendered through our conscious living and interaction during each moment of our lives. It would be awesome if we could make our changes through awareness, our service, and our actions. But it may take massive adversity to test, awaken, and motivate humanity to pull together -- perhapseven economic collapse, cataclysmic earth change, or world war! We thrive at the very precipice of all of these possibilities. And the Space Brothers are late for their date. Is it possible that humans are simply destined to live in a bubble of denial while we flash in earth’s pan before we perish? Good question.

The good news is that we are at our best when up against the worst, and resolution resides a step or two beyond despair. And Aquarius -- the Age of Miracles -- also rules friendship and the Brotherhood of Man. As Emerson once said, “friendship may be considered to be the masterpiece of nature.” Awakening can happen in a holy instant, and the Age is indeed shifting and the energetic tide turning. We are all involved in this catalytic period of great cleansing and global shift, with thousands of karmic and celestial cycles dining in the amplified fires of evolution. Spirit is empowering us to make bold and wise choices, live in service, and do good deeds. Humanity will eventually have to dig much deeper, shine far brighter, and pull more together. It is only in alignment that there is fulfillment. The world of the past is passing away right before our eyes. We dance through the changes with the heavenly arranging, as the crush of the past is transformed by the flush of the future. The doorway of change is always a bit strange, but it leads through the gateway of growth into the garden of our dreams. And the magic sparkle in our children’s eyes tells me their story is long and strong, and their will to live is summoning a future. Conscious souls will just need to keep digging, praying, shining, and glowing in the dark through this highly charged portal of Flashpoint 2012 -- giving birth to the miracle.

This is a translation of an article originally written for an Italian metaphysical magazine, and is used by permission from Ken Kalb by Paradise Found.

Ken Kalb is an astrologer and author of several books including The Grand Catharsis: An Astrology of the Shifting Ages, LightShift 2000: Let’s Turn on the Light of the World, La Nueva Luz del Milenio, 21st Century Goddess Calendar, and hundreds of articles.

Websites include: www.luckystarz.comwww.lightshift.comwww.electricstar.org

His email is birth2012@aol.com

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