The Year of the Rooster in 2017 is symbolized by the two elements: Yin Fire and Yin Metal, with Fire sitting on top of Metal and melting the Metal. Fire and Metal are in what is known as a "domination" relationship to each other. This conflicting relationship means disharmony. Think of the heat of the sun beating down on a tin roof. The roof gets extremely hot and can't release the heat easily, therefore, staying hot for a long time and melting whatever is under it.
Yin Fire symbolizes a flickering candle flame. A flame that is unstable. So we can expect emotional instability, and feelings of sentimentality and nostalgia for a time gone by. Yin fire is not quick tempered like the Yang fire of 2016, but rather it’s tense, nervous and tempers can suddenly explode from out of nowhere.
Yin fire is associated with fire disasters and explosions. As fire and metal are in a domination relationship, there will be international conflicts and clashes. Yin fire also symbolizes bullets and guns, which can bring more clashes with firearms.
The Rooster is strong yin metal which symbolizes jewelry. Beautiful on the outside, but cold and hard on the inside.
The Rooster is also “Peach Blossom” which means it represents romance and again beauty. “Peach Blossom” will bring romance and charming encounters, particularly for people born in the year of the Monkey, the Rat or the Dragon. The "Peach Blossom" element to the year means it will be beneficial to the glamor, beauty, fashion, entertainment and music industries.
Metal in the body is related to the lungs. With fire attacking or melting metal, take precautions against viruses, the flu or any breathing or skin issues. The supplements that improve the immune system are anti-oxidants, vitamin C and Omega 3 oils.
Yin Fire is optimistic but a bit Neptunian. People’s confidence about the economy, particularly during the spring and summer will drive the stock market higher, however, in and around August and onward, a dramatic downturn is expected. Think back to what happened in 2007. Most of us knew something was going to happen but I don’t think any of us new to what degree things would crash. Again, 2007 was a yin fire year. The bearish market is expected to begin around August and could be long lasting this time, as the fire element is not available to us between 2018 and 2022.
Yin fire also relates to the kitchen and will bring prosperity to restaurants and the cooking industry, as well as energy healing, fitness and yoga centers.
As fire is hot air, so this element is often related to birds, airplanes and flying objects. The Yin fire being unstable, can bring air disasters.
In the years from 2013 to 2015 it was easier to gain weight. But in 2017, because of the metal element, it is easier to lose the weight we gained in previous years. So this is your chance to get in really good shape.
According to "Flying Star Feng Shui", the current twenty year period from 2004 to 2024 is known as the “Age of 8” and the number 8 is in one sense the symbol for young children. It is important we look out for the needs of young children in the world as they are at risk. There are more disasters, troubles and misfortunes affecting them today than can be imagined. So it is important to pay special attention to children’s safety and well being during this 20 year period.
The industries that will do well in the year of the Rooster will be industries related to fire and water. Fire industries are energy, the stock market, finance, and entertainment. Water industries are transport, shipping, and communication. In general, the Yin Fire Rooster year with fire on top and metal below is the symbol of transformation, optimism, innovation and progress. There is conflict no doubt, and tension in international relationships, but people are optimistic, open-minded and eager to find solutions.
Deanna Cohen has a background in Classical Feng Shui and its various systems such as the Xuan Kong Flying Star School, the Form School, and the Compass School. She is the Feng Shui consultant for numerous businesses, estates, and homes in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Montecito. Over the years she has been a realtor in Montecito and Santa Barbara at Sotheby’s International Realty, and has a professional grasp of our local circumstances with its various strengths and weaknesses.
Deanna will be holding an evening program, Feng Shui and the Year of the Fire Rooster at Paradise Found on January 27th, 2017 from 7:00 - 8:30pm. For more information on the event you can view our posting @
For more information on Feng Shui and The Year of the Rooster you can visit Deanna Cohen’s blog @