Full Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius Full Moon--Thursday, Aug 15 at 5:29am PSTIn his highest expression, Aquarius weaves us upon a great cosmic loom. Threaded and pressed, Leo’s individual colors fade blissfully into the rainbow.Ready to raise your vibration? The Aquarius Full Moon is the time to adjust your frequency and vibrations. Full Moons are always a time to release. In Aquarius, this Full Moon helps us understand how what we think and feel creates the energy we project into the world. Our vibration is what creates our reality; calling in energies we need for our growth while shaping the collective energy we live amongst.On each Full Moon, we also have the energy of the Sun to work with in addition to the Moon. The Sun is currently positioned in Leo, bringing us the energy of the Lion to pair with the energy of Aquarius. The merger of these energies, through the Full Moon, gives the opportunity to embrace our true nature and learn to love ourselves unconditionally. When we fully love and accept ourselves, something both Aquarius and Leo can teach us, we raise our frequency and the frequency of the collective around us.Excerpted from Jill Wintersteen @SpiritDaughterEspecially for this moon, Gather Your Tribe—This Full Moon in Aquarius has us thinking about community, ingenuity, collaboration and idealism. It’s time to honor the philosophy of love and the power of community. What's possible when we come together?Gather Your Crystals--For Full Moons--Selenite, Labradorite, Quartz and Citrine, among others. Cleanse your crystals overnight in the light of the full moon.Celebrate your achievements, review what hasn’t worked--Full Moon intentions are about breaking through external and internal limits. Address limiting beliefs and energies which are preventing you from manifesting your dreams.A Full moon in Aquarius takes us outside of our limited individual perspective and allows us insight into the larger world - the good of humanity as a whole - and the needs of others in relation to our own personal needs.




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