[caption id="attachment_19505" align="alignright" width="300"]
Photo by Martin Adams[/caption]Every Full Moon has us working to finish what we started around the time of the New Moon, but when the Full Moon is in Capricorn it works even harder to finish what was started at the beginning of the lunar cycle...Full Moon Blessings! Catch up. Revisit. Slow Down. Ponder. Plan. What a perfect time of year to slooooow down and enjoy the gifts of the season!Tuesday’s full moon lands at 3:56 PM PT at 27+ degrees of the cardinal earth sign, Capricorn. It sits in a close square to Uranus in Aries, in a sextile to Mars in Scorpio and a trine to Jupiter in Virgo.
The mood is slow and emotional. If life gets hectic, sit still, if just for a minute. Summer’s heat and five planets retrograde ask us to take our time, think through everything we’re doing. Catch up and reconnect with our past, work on old projects, and handle life right here right now.Deal with what’s already on the plate, and that’s a lot this week the major planetary patterns and process. Speeding up will be counterproductive. If we start up brand-new project it will probably have to be redone, the basic ideas can be sketched out and researched. Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, all now appear to head backwards against the zodiac.A full moon- lunar eclipse in determined Capricorn, ask us to think about our work and responsibilities, think about what we want to build. The ground shifts under our feet and we may need to let go of an outdated dream and search for new possibilities. (Excerpted from Heather Roan Robbins, We’Moon) The partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn occurs on July 16 at 2:30 PM PT.