"Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being."
~ Rumi
The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Friday, September 13th, 9:33pm PT
"Sitting with Neptune, this full moon is a dedicated dreamer. Decidedly different from the tone of Virgo Season, this Full Moon offers us a moment of escape. Asking us to indulge in, and enjoy, the healing power of our imagination, this Full Moon is a meditation on visualizing the solutions we need."
This full moon, we are called to truly appreciate our place in the cycle of life. Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, and is represented by the fish. It is the end of a cycle but also symbolizes rebirth, reincarnation, and eternal regeneration. Think of the Ouroboros, the ancient symbol of the snake - or dragon - eating its own tail. It is an emblem not of destruction, but of unity and eternity--The cycle of life of which we are all a part.
This is not an easy reality to process, no matter how old we are-- that everything is evolving and transforming, us included, and our whole lives we try to learn how to gracefully accept these changes. Understanding our human existence as a state of constant change, can be distressing and cause great fear. From this place of distress we can forget to consider the feelings of others, and simply life reactively, spreading distress and discord because of our internal state of anxiety.
"We are going to the moon that is not very far.Man has so much farther to go within himself."~ Anaïs Nin, famous 20th-century writer and Pisces
We can only give so much, until we ourselves begin to crave refreshment and restorative rest, and love. Holding a part of ourselves back, and giving ourselves the space we need --literally and metaphorically-- to rest and recharge, is the best way to help others.
Looking inwards and taking stock of ourselves is a practice which soothes the soul and prepares us for compassionate engagement with the world outside us. Michel de Montaigne wrote, always keep one room to yourself--to retreat for meditation and study, reflection and thinking about the things that matter to you. This might be a physical room, like a study or an office or a reading nook...but it is also about keeping a part of yourself, just for you.
“Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.”~ Michel de Montaigne, french renaissance philosopher
This is not selfish, it is emotional hygiene. Just as we wash our hands with soap and water, as a courtesy to those around you, and out of respect for all life--we can also take care to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to interact with others. We are fundamentally good, and intend to treat people well, but it is impossible to do so when your inner reserves are being used up and not replenished. Resting and renewing yourself is the best gift to those you wish to help--if we all work to heal ourselves, the world will inevitably become a better, kinder place.
“Trust that you have a good and compassionate nature. You are part of the universe; you are made of stars. When you look at your loved one, you see that he is also made of stars and carries eternity inside. Looking in this way, we naturally feel reverence.”~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Amethyst ~ To protect the emotional and spiritual bodies. When working with deep feelings, Amethyst brings a sense of peace and calm. This stone works against addictions--so that we have the strength to sit with our feelings without running away to a comforting distraction.Aquamarine ~ Works with the watery energy of Pisces, especially as an aid in meditation. Increases sensitivity, and courage, and soothes fear. If you are going deep, aquamarine is a stone to facilitate and stabilize emotional work.Black Tourmaline ~ For setting clear boundaries, and reclaiming personal space. Protects from negative energy.
"Love and kindness are part of my life, they are born in me and then I share them with others."
"When I look at myself I see goodness, light, truth, beauty, and strength."
"I walk with a light step and I hold my head up, because I am part of the universe, part of everything."
"I have everything I need to be whole, I have the time I need to heal, I have the willpower to do what I need to do, to take care of myself and then, later, to care for others."
"I am at peace with my place in the universe--I experience changes with grace and poise."
"I welcome transformations as they come--in myself and in those I love. We are experiencing this together, every human shares a piece of this grand transformation. I am not alone, and neither is anyone else."
"I choose to take things as they come, and enjoy each breath to the fullest."