Gaia's New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia's Greening, By Ariel Spilsbury ~ Book Picks

Traditionally the deeper truths have been woven into myth and alchemical stories, seemingly simple tales that ignite the soul and awaken transformation in ways known and unknown. Ariel Spilsbury’s Gaia’s New Dreamcoat is such a tale. Beautifully illustrated by Oceanna Visions, this is a a generous book from a radiant, generous, loving soul who has devoted her life to the evolution of humanity and the care of Mother Gaia.

Sarah DrewAuthor of Gaia Codex-A Novel and Ancient Wisdom Text


Brimming with joyful jargon and fantastic illustrations, Gaia’s New DreamCoat delights with its abundance of positivity, passion, and possibility.This book is a tonic of sunshine, yet it also invites us to challenge ourselves and the world to approach a more brilliant future by coming together in our care of the Earth.The story unfolds simply by asking those wise shepherds of the Earth in the Devic and Faerie Realms, to assist us in learning how to transform Earth and ourselves. In the process, we will have to ask ourselves what will happen if we don’t act in a timely way to support Gaia’s greening.In that delightful exploration, we are awakened to the power we each hold to affect the outcome of the story that we are re-writing on Earth. Through the clues that the characters give in each exciting adventure into the Fae Realms, we see that each one of us is playing a lead role in this mythic reweaving of Gaia’s story.

Ariel is a planetary midwife and priestess of the Goddess. Her passion is participating in the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. This takes the form of traveling to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine around the globe, which she has done for over twenty-five years. Her offers span writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations and maintaining a temple for the Goddess.Ariel is a cheerleader for consciousness, a ceremonialist and consciousness initiator. She presently offers spiritual counseling service and various events with the intention of planetary awakening. She offers Initiation into the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine, through her self- initiating curriculum, The Alchemy of Ecstasy: Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries and The 13 Moon Oracle.Ariel is a crystal singer, a sound and light technology utilized for healing and awakening. Ariel magnetizes sacred circles of light around the planet to bring people together in divine communion, love and remembrance. The present focus of her awareness is grounding a Living Mystery School, priestess training and sound and light temple on Earth: The Sanctuary of the Open Heart ( Her ongoing passion at present is being a Faerie Godmother ( Faerie Godmother Services!)

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