High Vibration Orgonite Pyramids--New Minis Just In...

Michelle Hood Orgonite Pyramids!

LitetheLight Orgonite is made with the Highest Intention to Amplify the Heartbeat of Mother Earth, restore Harmonic Balance and allow space for the Highest Awareness to present.

The cleared, charged crystals naturally emit the frequencies. Each mineral is "frequency specific" and may be chosen accordingly. The metals filter and neutralize the negative energies. Pure Copper (best conductor) and/or Stainless Steel/Zinc are used rather than scrap metals. This resin is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. As the resin hardens, it "squeezes" the crystal - locking it into an amplified state with Continuous, Unending Output! The Sacred Geometry of the pyramid furthers the potency.

Each piece is a one-of-a-kind, handmade creation.

Orgonite Capabilities:

Turns Negative Energy into Positive

Purifies the Atmosphere

Mitigates the harmful effects of EMF waves up to 1/4 mile

Strengthens Nature's Own Abilities to Prosper

Awakens Psychic Senses

Purifies and Charges Water

Clear & Charge the Orgonite once a month in direct sunlight for a few hours.

From $200 to $30...come on in and check them out for yourself!

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