HO, HO, HO it’s all about the flow!

Wintertime is actually a very sacred time of year. It’s sacred in the sense of being back to the root, back to the fundamentals, back to what’s prior to expression or manifestation. In this very beautiful time of stripping things down to their essence, the sense of the sacred becomes highly and eminently available.

~ Adyashanti

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What a joyful dance of honoring darkness and celebrating light we begin. What a delightful dance of still reflection and gathering together with friends and family we begin. What a delicious period of taking stock of the year that has been and the year we are about to create. Using our wisdom and tenderness we find our way to our expression of the spirit of love and spirit of generosity to each other in this now. We reconnect with the essence of our love and what is most important to us. We enter the heart of darkness to emerge once again into light, renewing our commitment to peace on Earth and goodwill toward all.

Whatever your spiritual tradition or orientation, be it religious, a seasonal ritual, or riding the tide of changing seasons; whether you are planning a whirlwind of seasonal activities or a quiet, contemplative time or some mix of both we wish you love, joy and peace. Om shanti, shanti, shanti.

HO, HO, HO it’s all about the flow!

We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you,

Teresa, spirit of Thule, Huxley and all at Paradise Found

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