You can't stop the futureYou can't rewind the pastThe only way to learn the to press play.
Jay Asher
Greetings to our friends and community,Spring has sprung and Earth Day is right around the corner. Sitting in the garden with my morning cup of tea, I have been present to that special hum and electric chatter of hummingbirds nectaring on orange blossoms. I sip and watch Scub Jays persistently dismantling the sphagnum moss from the hanging planter to reassemble into nests somewhere in the neighborhood.I hear the thrum of new life and the clarion call to action initiated by the youth of our communities. I am inspired and grateful for the renewed sense of vigor after a long, hard winter. Yes, spring is here.Spring invites me to take stock of my relationship with the life around me. I take time for reflection. What is it that grounds me, sustains me, opens my heart, feeds my soul and connects me to a sense of awe and amazement for the beauty, fecundity and diversity of life.How can I pay tribute to, and find ways to give back to that which sustains me? What practices could I adopt to find more efficient and effective ways of relating to our precious resources both individually and as a matter of public policy.We as life are not separate from all of life and yet our impact on the planet has been considerable. Inspired. Grateful.Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found