The Medicine Bag: Shamanic Rituals & Ceremonies for Personal Transformation by don Jose Ruiz | Book Picks
"Rituals and ceremonies teach us to act from a place of love instead of fear,as this is the way to come into balance."
~ don Jose Ruiz, The Medicine Bag
Click here to purchase! We will receive a percentage of all sales.The Medicine Bag is a potent tool kit of spiritual practices meant to open you to a world of beauty, exploration, and transformation. don Jose Ruiz is a Toltec shaman and New York Times best-selling author, who received the teachings of his family's shamanic tradition. His father, don Miguel Ruiz, is best known as the author of the modern classic, The Four Agreements.Now, in this exciting and practical book, Toltec shaman and New York Times best-selling author don Jose Ruiz introduces and explains over 25 shamanic rituals and ceremonies, and provides a detailed and accessible guide to performing them on your own.By offering step-by-step instructions in each chapter, don José Ruiz has made these rituals and ceremonies accessible to everyone who feels called to travel the shamanic path.(***One of the main tenets of shamanism is a belief in the power of ceremony to manifest change in the physical world. Virtually all shamanic traditions use a variety of ritual practices as tools for personal transformation, healing, and celebration.)
The Medicine Bag will teach you how to:
Choose and create power objects
Build a personal altar and medicine wheel
Align your life with the cycles of nature
Find and work with your spirit animals
Honor your ancestors, undertake power journeys, and much more
A sneak preview of excerpts from The Medicine Bag
"The rituals in this to aid your journey of awakening. What do I mean by awakening? I use the word awakening here because in my family's Toltec tradition we say that humans are dreaming all the time. Let me explain:First, each person is always in the midst of what we call the Personal Dream, which is your own perspective--how you see the world around you and how you make sense of it through the stories you tell yourself about what you perceive. Second, there is what we call the Dream of the Planet, or the sum of all our Personal Dreams. Together they form the basis for how we create the world around us and communicate with one another." "The primary aim of the practices in this book is to help you wake up to the knowledge that you are dreaming and create your life in the form of a beautiful dream...It's easy to see that so many of our fellow humans are living in a type of nightmare, where their actions come from a place of fear rather than love...Toltec shamanism aims to bring love to every part of your dream--especially to the areas of your own dream where you find yourself suffering. After all, love is the power that transforms a bad dream into a beautiful one." "As you have undoubtedly noticed, there appears to be a great schism in the current Dream of the Planet. On one hand, we live in a time that boasts the greatest freedom and prosperity the world has ever known, and on the other, many in our human family are in constant conflict with one another, others are heavily medicated or self-medicating, and many have forgotten the importance of respecting the precious resources of Mother Earth. Nature herself is suffering at our hands, and the survival of our species and the beautiful world we inhabit are ultimately at at stake. What will come next? How can we move from chaos and imbalance to a healing place of alignment?"
About the Author
don Jose Ruiz was born in Mexico City and raised in Tijuana, Mexico. When he was 21, he came to live in the United States with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. He lectures and gives workshops around the world and dedicates his life to sharing the ancient Toltec wisdom by translating it into practical, everyday life concepts that promote transformation through truth, love, and common sense. He is the coauthor, with his father, of The Fifth Agreement.17.95