The most important word in ourlanguage is yes.It matters what we say yes to.It matters what we say no to.Every no gets its value from the yesit also affirms.To say no to what denies and destroys is also to say yes to what affirms, builds, creates.God is the everlasting yes to existence.
~Jacob Trap
Greetings to our friends and community,
So here we are on the edge of the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. Wow!
Time to pull out the navigational tools and go to work charting a new general direction or recalibrating an existing one.
Resolutions, plans, intentions circulate around my body/brain. I wait to see how they might land. I ask myself: What essential qualities am I envisioning in this next year personally and for Paradise Found?; What feeling states would I want to experience?; How am I going to strategically allocate my attention in service to those qualities?; What forms might I explore in service to those qualities?; What will I say “yes” to...?
After experiencing many new year’s resolutions, declarations, intentions and plans, I find myself more aligned with identifying essential qualities to experience, and less focused on planning specific forms to manifest.
Many of you have thoughtfully noticed that Thule, the white-fluffy-poodle-guru, has not been at his post by the front door. Thule has been holding down the couch at home. At fifteen, he is experiencing some mobility issues and is on sabbatical. It is not yet clear whether he will be given the “golden bone of retirement” and become the white-fluffy-poodle-guru emeritus, or if he will resume his duties on a more limited basis. He is receiving excellent care, is bright and alert and totally “Thule-ish”. Thank you for your expressions of concern and love.
Integration of existing energies, flexibility in responding to newly arising energies, and an open, courageous curiosity to all seem key to me as we boldly go where none have yet been. To 2011 and beyond!
With courageous enthusiasm,
Teresa, Thule, Tucker & all at Paradise Found