New Moon 12.21.14 @ 0 degrees 6 minutes Capricorn 8:35 p.m. EST 5:35 p.m. PST and Winter Solstice. The magic of the absence of moonlight announcing rebirth.
~A. R. Ammons (Mars and south node in Capricorn)
The final New Moon of 2014 is our chance to complete, in the sanctity of inner quiet, whatever we have become aware of this year that we do not wish to carry over into the new year; bits of the crumbling structure that we have chipped away at for ‘awhile’ still in need of a little nudge over the edge. As stated several times over this last year, we have had plenty of help in this undertaking from the Uranus/Pluto ongoing square and Saturn in Scorpio—persistent energy moving us toward waking up and greater awareness. Ultimately a kinder attitude toward one another—family, friends and those with whom we may have differences.Children are being supported to deliver their message and we, the current adult population are ready to listen. Children have a vision and will be encouraged to express that vision by all of us interested in ways of thinking that elude the older generations. This New Moon in Capricorn bestows a sense of responsibility to ‘the vision’ as we have not experienced before; fresh ideas, unique and unlimited by old beliefs.“When children and youth are seen as partners in development their participation fosters ownership and empowerment to contribute to their own well-being and that of society as a whole. (from the World Vision website: The role of children in the post-2015 Development Agenda) As this is also the winter solstice and symbolic for rebirth throughout history and various cultures perhaps we all have an opportunity to embrace the inner child and arise, unencumbered by conditioned response or reaction. Mars the active force and representing the direction in which our energy flows during these few days prior to and following the new Moon is in freedom loving Aquarius at the point of the bow that would launch into awakening—beyond the known world and into the mysterious and vast unknown. On either side of Mars is Chiron, the healer and Venus/Pluto that is discussed subsequently as the focus of transforming the material desire nature. In opposition to Mars is the Black Moon Lilith that we know as the point at which we recognize the true Self. Mars leading the way ignites our passion to know the true Self and so migrate to inner peace. This supported by the healing of our wounds and less focus upon what we think we want or need here to be okay.With Saturn at 29 degrees 48 minutes Scorpio this is the final curtain call to scrutinize and eliminate the deep, old collective patterns that restrict and bind us to servitude—serving the ego. We work with these aspects in relation to the blueprint we were given upon entrance. And though it may sound complicated it is quite simple. If you wish to scale a mountain there is a single rope that dangles in front of you—the only means by which to reach the top—you may veer a foot or two to one side or the other looking for the best foot hold but the rope remains the constant source for your ascent.The final New Moon is a time to clarify the vision you have for the coming year. With Pluto, the planet of power, elimination and transformation conjunct Venus the ruler of desire and relating there will be a honing of what we perceive to be important. In some cases getting to the bare bones of what motivates us will be the driving force at this time.For others realizing that old patterns influence us in ways that are limiting is just as profound. Wherever this combination shows up in your chart there will be a deep need to purge one self of dependence in favor of authenticity.It would be impossible to avoid the showering of light that we are receiving from planet Uranus (it is everywhere) that, squaring Pluto and Venus, impels us to throw open the shutters and receive this gift. Suddenly it is realized that focusing on the minutia for a really, really long time we have managed to distract our selves from seeing the big picture. The distraction has been the reality whilst the Reality, always right here, has gone unnoticed except for the vague desire for something I long for but, as of yet, have not attained. (This of course in varying degrees for all of us. Not a criticism at all. It is as it is and couldn’t be more perfect!)It must be stated also that there are five planets in Capricorn at this time—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Venus. This has the capacity to undertake big projects and successfully complete challenging agendas. Not necessary for this to happen immediately. But with this powerful dynamic present to fully design a concept to be completed in 2015 would have considerable potential for standing out of the ordinary. Capricorn is adept at utilizing resources and creating what is of greatest service. Composers/musicians, engineers and architects for instance are often influenced by Capricorn—builders of systems, structures and rhythms.What is your dream for 2015? What is your desire beyond the accumulation of material assets that contributes to well-being individually and collectively? Allow the inner child to engage in this process and free your self to dive into your unknown world of play and creation. No matter how many times we have dipped our toes into the pool, there is always something new awaiting us. This for the mind in stillness.Happy celebrations and blessings for a marvelous New Year!