New Moon August 25, 2014 @ 2 degrees Virgo 19 minutes 05:33 a.m. EDT 02:33 a.m. PDTIn slumber the shadow crosses slowly a desolate landscape. Stunning is the austerity. One cannot help but be affected by the stillness; the lack of distraction. Where in this dream do I fulfill my desires? The thought goes out a long way but ricochets back to me from distant boulders. Where in this place do I find my desires? I do not find that I want anything and yet I see the landscape unfolding with magnificent curves, sharp edges, soft contours and a horizon that is finally at the end of the limitless sea—perhaps. This I do not know. But ‘it’ goes on. Has nothing to do with what I want. A vulture rises from behind a high outcropping and makes big circles in the sky searching for something that has died, spirals above me. The shadow disappears.Contributing to a vision that includes only the bare necessities is sharp insight into what serves a higher purpose. Once again the feeling is ‘being stripped to the bone’. The result is feeling raw but it doesn’t take long before a sense of wild freedom replaces vulnerability; freedom from duty and responsibility for anything other than focus upon inner peace, the stillness that we encounter when perched upon a rock in the desert in waning sunlight.A time to allow intuitive gifts to carry one into deeper levels of expression that demonstrate a commitment to what is beyond thought; being motivated by impulse. The impulse that drives all of us forward no matter how daily life is manifested or what appears upon the big screen. Thus there is freedom to be present and enjoy the moment. No worry or concern for what should or should not, might or might not be. Only clear insight as to the nature of existence.[caption id="attachment_8751" align="alignright" width="300"]
click to enlarge[/caption]The messenger is not an individual alone on a mission to establish truth in the chaos. The messenger is the collective dream that desires to know the Love that we are, the inner peace that is. The message rises repeatedly from whatever is occurring in this moment. The message sings to us, dances about us, lands heavily at our feet, wafts temptingly in our vicinity as it continues to flow in and out of experience that is limited by our sense of physicality. Let go of all belief, become the song, the dance, the air that I breathe and the impulse for home beats with such regularity all else falls away as it changes, moves out of time and disappears. What remains is the true nature.Stripped to the bone the door flies open and the heart is free to pour forth Love into Love into Love. In the golden light my tiny shadow looms large and then in an instant is gone. This New Moon stalks me like a cat, the vibration of its silent steps jarring awareness of all that looms about me in the dream. With laser precision I eradicate symbols and images that have long kept me prisoner here. Naturally words dissolve and every belief I have ever had lets go and tumbles out of memory. In the morning we all marvel at this spectacular sun rise.