New Moon in Pisces | Thursday, 2/27/25 at 12:47am PT

"This morning I stopped to watch the geese fly, even though I didn’t have the time to do so. And I realized that not having the time to do something might be the very reason why I need to do it." ~Craig D. Lounsbrough

"What does it mean to fully experience a moment—any moment? It means to directly experience what is here now without separation from it. It means opening, seeing, listening, feeling, being intimate and at one with what is. While thoughts may appear in the present moment, thoughts do not experience anything. Thoughts do not see, but YOU do."
~Dorothy Hunt

New Moon in Pisces | Thursday, 2/27/25 at 12:47am PT

"During this New Moon, I invite you to simply be. Let go of the need to make things happen. The Universe is guiding you toward your dreams through inspiration and inner wisdom. Like gentle waves washing over the shore, Pisces energy quiets the external noise so you can hear your soul's guidance. This is the perfect moment to dive deep into meditation. Take time to sit in stillness today. Open yourself to receive without expectations. Experience yourself exactly as you are, without trying to change anything. In this space of pure being, wisdom flows naturally - through sudden insights, gut feelings, and knowings that light up your entire being."

~Spirit Daughter

"The New Moon can feel extra sensitive in the sign of Pisces, making us feel scattered, overly emotional, and vulnerable to the energies of the world around us.

Emotions that have been bubbling deep may flood our awareness, causing us to feel overwhelmed. While this can be confronting, being faced with our feelings can also bring a sense of closure and deeper understanding and awareness.

As the final sign of the zodiac, that is one of the gifts that Pisces can bring. It can help us to see the culmination point and perhaps even the point of no return. Reaching this endpoint can bring a sense of wisdom and knowing. Almost like reaching the final chapters of a book where you are able to understand the fullness of the character’s journey and how things may resolve."

~Forever Conscious

"The Sun’s transit through Pisces shifts the focus from the intellect to the heart, from the desire to understand and innovate to the need to feel, release control, and surrender to what Life is asking of us. The start of Pisces season inaugurates a period of transition, closure, and liminality. As the Astrological year comes to an end, we are invited to make space for new beginnings by letting go of everything that has lost meaning, that no longer serves us, or that doesn’t support our growth and evolution.

Pisces season welcomes us into a space where potential feels limitless and possibilities are endless. The last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is said to contain the totality of the previous eleven signs. Pisces represents the point where all our experiences and the lessons we learned converge to dissolve, together with the sense of self we have constructed. By surrendering our attachment to existing identities and self-concepts, we open a door for transformation and allow new visions and possibilities to emerge from the void."

~Moon Omens

"If we were to wish anything with the New Moon in Pisces it might be to find deeper meaning and purpose in our very real lives, while also recognizing ourselves as being part of something much greater. Pisces in its highest expression imbues  us with compassion, inspires us to be charitable and moves us through our conscience. Pisces identifies with sacred causes, and with those things that invest our lives with Wonder and Enchantment. The things that bring meaning, and connects us with our heart center.

Neptune/Pisces is that feeling you get when you see the magnificence of a perfect sunrise, when you immerse yourself in the beauty and profundity of nature, take a walk by the sea, or notice the dew on the petal of a flower. Neptune/Pisces is that which inspires, and fills your heart with a love so transcendent, whether in a dream, a song, or with the feel of a subtle breeze like the breath of a baby on your skin. Neptune/Pisces is that experience you have when you do a good deed, say a kind word, or come to realize the ways that we are all so deeply attuned and connected to one another on these subtle yet deeply ethereal levels. And we must not forget this. Nor deny its guidance. It is this that will keep us sane in times of insanity. And it is this that will lead us through the fog."

~Astrology by Lauren

"It happens that this New Moon at 9 degrees Pisces is a moment when we have an opportunity to explore our inherent sensitivity. There are five planets and north node in the last sign of the zodiac where initially there is a struggle to unite personality with spirituality in order that we might transcend our common limitations. Boundary-less, overflowing with compassion we are present to life and all of its ins and outs, ups and downs without being consumed by it, overwhelmed and exhausted by it.

Pisces navigates the limitless ocean of human experience to accomplish the self-overcoming that frees us from a mundane physical existence. Pisces is a mutable sign that is always moving with the ever-present flow that includes physical existence but is not that.

With Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury and Neptune lined up here there is great opportunity to immerse ourselves in levels of feeling that at times seem not to be useful. Openness to go there invites a touch, the reverberations of which have great reach. In the calm, peace of compassion we realize unity. We transcend the world of detail and are fully free to be. Thoughts in the depths of stillness cease to inform us."

~Anna Chapman

Eclipse Season: March 1st - April 2nd

"This year's Pisces season carries exceptional significance as it coincides with a potent eclipse season, marking the first eclipse portal of 2025. From March 1st through April 2nd, we experience a profound period of transformation as eclipse energy amplifies the already-mystical Pisces atmosphere. The timing is particularly meaningful given the recent shift of the Lunar Nodes into Pisces and Virgo, where they will remain for the next 18 months, guiding our collective evolution through a powerful cosmic dance of surrender and integration.Understanding the Lunar Nodes deepens our appreciation of this period's significance. These nodes are not physical bodies but rather mathematical points where the Moon's orbit intersects with the Earth's orbit around the Sun.In astrological tradition, they represent our collective karmic path – the NorthNode pointing toward what we are growing into, while the South Node indicates what we are learning to release.

Each eclipse in this season serves as a cosmic checkpoint in our collective journey along this nodal path. They create opportunities to release old patterns that no longer serve us and to step more fully into our intuitive power. During this time, you might notice increased synchronicities and meaningful coincidences, alongside a stronger pull toward meditation and spiritual practices. You may find yourself in situations that challenge your need for control, while simultaneously discovering that letting go leads to unexpected gifts. Dreams and intuitive messages often become more frequent and clear during this time, and you might experience a natural dissolution of rigid patterns and beliefs."

~Spirit Daughter

Feel It All | Crystals for the New Moon in Pisces

"Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor.
~Marianne Williamson
Labradorite Tumbled 1"

Labradorite | Labradorite is a greyish stone with beautiful flashes of iridescent blue, purple, or peach. It is mystical, magical, protective and transformative. It balances and protects the aura, prevents energy leakages, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, it promotes flashes of insight. It can help calm an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, inspiring new ideas—a helpful guide through change. An uplifting crystal, it deflects unwanted energy while clearing psychic debris. It can amplify the effects of healing prayers and affirmations.

Labradorite Tumbled | Labradorite Earrings | Labradorite Bracelet | and more...

Amethyst Clusters 1-1.75"

Amethyst | A powerful stone of spirituality and serenity, Amethyst opens, clears and activates the crown chakra. A natural tranquilizer, this purple crystal assists in spiritual insight, and enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Amethyst is a powerful psychic protector that calms the nervous system and brings a deep sense of inner peace. It also helps with insomnia and dream recall. It is a highly calming stone that creates a no stress zone for the wearer, and quiets obsessions. Assists in the integration of new ideas, new patterns and freedom from addictive behaviors. It promotes awareness and spiritual insight; enhances psychic gifts and intuition.

Amethyst Clusters | Amethyst TumbledAmethyst Earrings | and more...

Angelite Tumbled 1-1.5"

Angelite | Angelite is a light blue stone, known to have healing properties which bring wholeness, spiritual inspiration and deep healing energies. This stone creates feelings of peace and tranquility. When used in meditation and visioning, this stone can soothe pain both physically and psychologically. It can also be used to ward off combat, cruelty, or prejudices of any kind. Angelite is an ideal stone for those interested in retrieving past life memories.

Angelite Tumbled | Angelite Palm Stones |

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Intuitive Dreaming and Creation: A New Moon in Pisces Ritual

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."

~W.B. Yeats

Step 1: Create Your Sacred Space

Prepare an environment that fosters intuition, imagination, and dreamwork.

  • Dim the lights and light candles.
  • Burn mugwort, sandalwood, or lavender incense to deepen your connection to the subconscious.
  • Play ocean sounds, dreamy music, or ambient tones to embody Pisces' fluid energy.
  • Place crystals nearby — to support creativity and dreamwork.
  • Have a journal, art supplies, and a glass of water or herbal tea (chamomile, blue lotus, or lemon balm for dream enhancement).

Step 2: Set an Intention for Dreaming & Creativity

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Place your hands over your heart and say aloud:
    “I open myself to divine creativity and dream wisdom. I trust my intuition to guide me.”
  • If there’s a question or theme you want guidance on, write it down in your journal before you begin.

Step 3: Intuitive Art Channeling

Intuitive art is a way to bypass the thinking mind and allow emotions, messages, and subconscious imagery to emerge.

  • Choose your medium: watercolors, pastels, ink, or any free-flowing material.
  • Let your hand move without a plan—allow colors, shapes, and symbols to appear naturally.
  • As you create, stay present with your emotions. What do the colors and forms express?
  • If words or symbols arise, incorporate them into your piece or note them in your journal.
  • Once finished, sit with your artwork. Ask:
    • What feelings does this evoke?
    • Are there any symbols or themes that surprise me?
    • What does my intuition want me to know?

Write down any insights, emotions, or messages that surface.

Step 4: Dream Manifestation Ritual

The Pisces New Moon is an ideal time to plant dream seeds—intentions for what you wish to manifest in waking and dream life.

  • On a small piece of paper, write down a dream you wish to experience (literal or symbolic).
  • Fold the paper and place it under your pillow or inside your journal.
  • Before bed, set an intention for your dreams by saying:
    “Tonight, I am open to receiving messages and guidance. My dreams reveal the wisdom I seek.”
  • Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Upon waking, write down anything you remember, even if it seems small or unclear. Over time, patterns and insights will emerge.

Step 5: Closing & Integration

  • Hold your art and journal to your heart, taking a deep breath in gratitude.
  • Drink a sip of your herbal tea or water, grounding back into your body.
  • Blow out your candle, knowing that the insights from this ritual will continue to unfold.
  • In the coming days, revisit your art and dreams. Look for connections between them and the intentions you’ve set.
Find presence within your own divine center. Happy Pisces New Moon! 
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