New Moon in Scorpio Ritual: Shadow, Water, and Ancestors, 11/1/24

Explore your inner shadows, connect with your ancestors, and cleanse your spirit for renewal with this Scorpio New Moon ritual.

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual: Shadow, Water, and Ancestors

"I am formulating healthy relationships with my shadow while maintaining control of my emotions."
~Affirmation from Spirit Daughter

This New Moon in Scorpio ritual combines the transformative power of shadow work, ancestral connection, and water purification, honoring the watery, shadowy nature of scorpio season, and the spirit of this time of year as the veil is thin for Samhain, Halloween, and Día de los Muertos.

Materials Needed:

  • A bowl of water (or access to a natural body of water)
  • Two candles (one for shadow work and one for honoring ancestors)
  • Photos or mementos of ancestors (optional for your altar)
  • Sage, rosemary, or palo santo for cleansing
  • Pen and paper for reflection

Ritual Steps:

1. Prepare your sacred space
Set up a small altar with your candle, bowl of water, and any items that represent your ancestors (photos, mementos, food, or objects that remind you of them). Light your sage or palo santo and cleanse your space and yourself, visualizing any stagnant or negative energy being cleared away.

2. Begin with ancestral connection
Light your first candle in honor of your ancestors. Take a few moments to call in the ancestors along your lineage who are available to offer loving support. Speak a simple intention, such as: "I call upon my ancestors and guides who walk with love and wisdom. I ask for your guidance as I journey into my own depths.” Feel their presence around and within you, grounding yourself by placing your hands on your heart. Whether you have a strong connection with your ancestors or not, feel into the long lineage of souls, known and unknown, that you descend from.

3. Shadow work reflection
Now, light the second candle, which represents your journey into your depths, the beginning of your shadow work. Take your pen and paper, and write down any limiting beliefs, patterns, or fears that have been surfacing recently. What has been creating shame for you lately? What voices are living within you? Scorpio energy encourages the release of deep-seated emotions, so be honest with yourself. Reflect on these shadows until you feel complete, acknowledging their presence without judgment.

4. Water cleansing ritual
Holding the bowl of water, imagine it absorbing and purifying the energy of your shadow aspects. Submerge your hands in the water, or if possible, use a natural water source like a river, lake, or ocean. As you dip your hands, visualize the water drawing away any heaviness, cleansing you and offering renewal. Whisper: "I release that which no longer serves me. I embrace transformation and clarity."

5. Ancestral blessing and affirmation
Take a final moment to connect with your ancestors. Express gratitude for their guidance and acknowledge their place in your life. Speak a closing affirmation, such as: "I am guided by the wisdom of those who came before me. I release fear and welcome transformation, trust, and renewal.”

6. Close the ritual
Extinguish both candles, letting the water remain on your altar for the evening to absorb any lingering energy. The next day, pour it onto the earth as an offering, symbolizing your transformation and gratitude.

Trust in your depths, and embrace the magic unfolding within and around you. Happy Scorpio New Moon! 

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