New Moon in Scorpio, Sunday 10/27 at 8:38pm PST

new moon in scorpio

"New moons often make us feel more tired than usual. Sleep and silence are very important. This is not a social moon phase. If you feel like resting, then rest. This is not the time to push our bodies.

This is, however, a good time to write, meditate or do any preferred spiritual practice which takes you deep within yourself. Can you identify which dynamics are the most difficult in your life right now and then ask yourself why, with deep humility and honesty? Likewise can you identify which people and practices are the most supportive? Honor and embrace these supports; express your gratitude to and for them."

Affirmation:  "I invite humble and peaceful beginnings"

~ Zen Ren

The New Moon in Scorpio, arriving on October 27, is here to wake us up. Sitting in an opposition to Uranus, this New Moon enlivens the senses, urges us to break bad habits, and sends a cease and desist letter to the unhelpful traditions that we unconsciously agreed to early in life. Happening days before Mercury’s station retrograde on October 31/Samhain/The Witches’ New Year, this New Moon invites us into the deep.As the veils between worlds are said to grow thin, the spirit realm opens for business. Samhain--focus on honoring those that have passed on, the spirit realms, and connecting with our guides to help us activate and seek out our life’s purpose, heal a broken heart, or just to pay them homage.This installment of Mercury’s retrograde is especially mysterious. Opening up portals into the past, we’ll be assisted in our search for an answer to an ailment, a fact we had forgotten, or a healing balm we didn’t know we had access to.Excerpted from Chani Nicholas

Crystals for the New Moon in Scorpio

Sodalite ~ The Scorpio New Moon can bring out complicated and powerful emotions. Use Sodalite to navigate these feelings with calm and balance, and avoid overwhelm. Sodalite quiets distracting thoughts, over-thinking and jealous or controlling mental patterns. Draw on Sodalite to express yourself clearly and compassionately!Smoky Quartz ~ As a time of intense transformations and rebirth, the New Moon heightens our sensitivities and vulnerabilities...Smoky Quartz has a powerful grounding energy that will help balance these feelings and promote a sense of stability and well-being. This high vibrational crystal is a key element in protection from fear, anger, resentment or anxiety. Let the light in!Malachite ~ A stone of transformation, perfect for Scorpio season! Use for protection as you travel, make life-changing decisions, or shift your perceptions to a new level. Malachite helps bring energy and focus to new growth, as you turn a new leaf. This vibrant green crystal brings wisdom to know the difference between abundance of material wealth, and true abundance of the spirit. Enter the new lunar cycle with the positive energy of spiritual renewal.


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