New Moon in Taurus | Wed 4/22 at 7:35pm PST

"And now it is spring. Birds are singing. Wistful notes and jubilant. And bare streets and no need for coats, and skipping ropes and bicycles and a thin new moon.”

— Elizabeth Smart



new moon in taurus


The New Moon in Taurus arrives on April 22.

A new lunar cycle begins at 7:35pm PST on Wednesday, when the Sun and Moon align at 3°24′ Taurus. With the New Moon in close proximity to unpredictable Uranus, we can anticipate some surprises this week, and over the next four weeks as the Moon waxes and then wanes. And yet, the New Moon is also in square aspect to Saturn, reminding us of that need to focus on inner stability as the waves of change continue to roll through our experience.


A bit of good news...


If you are doing any work in retraining your brain, this is a powerful week to see advancements. Meditations that open us up to insights from a higher form of intelligence are not only supported but enhanced. If you've been blessed with heightened intuitive or extrasensory experiences lately, you are likely to see even more developments over the coming days. excerpted @Pam Younghans


This New Moon urges us to radically slow down, pay attention to our bodies, enjoy simple pleasures and rethink the ways in which we are using our resources. It calls on us to get creative with our material lives and innovative in the ways in which we think about abundance and mutual prosperity.


Conjunct the game-changer of the cosmos, Uranus, and square the planet of form and structure, Saturn, this New Moon helps us to deepen our understanding of which structures can support the changes we are personally and collectively facing, and which are so outdated they have to be completely rethought. Taurus is a slow and steady sign, and the restructuring we are considering making at this moment needs to be integrated a little at a time, in ways that feel sustainable and supportive long-term.  excerpted~ Chani Nicholas


Crystals for the New Moon in Taurus

Amazonite | This blue-green crystal works with the heart and throat chakras to enhance loving communication. It helps with self-discovery, finding one's truths and setting boundaries. Amazonite is a stone of harmony, balance, and integrity.Dendritic Agate | A light colored agate with darker veining that resembles the branching growth of a tree...This stone works to support inner stability, composure, and maturity. Dendritic Agate brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life.Tiger's Eye | A gold and brown layered stone known for its warm radiance, Tiger's Eye helps integrate the physical and the spiritual realms, bringing stability and awareness. A stone of vision, non-duality, practical and compassionate reasoning.

Affirmations for the New Moon in Taurus

I honor my intuition by listening deeply to my inner voiceI honor life by slowing down to savor each moment as the delicious moment it isI honor my dreams and take them seriously, as messages illuminating hidden truths I need to hearI honor my body by grounding and practicing compassionate, creative self-careI honor my fellow beings, by holding a space of open awareness and non-judgment  for all I meetfor more New Moon here!

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