New Moon November 22, 2014 @ 0 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius 07:32 a.m. EST 04:32 a.m. PSTOur life is not a means to finding truth; life is the expression of truth…Where the truth may lead is revealed by our life, not in advance of it. The truth is that life is filled with risk, and to live truth is to live constantly at risk.
~Robert Wolfe, Abiding in Nondual Awareness
It is the task of Sagittarius to boldly convey the Truth discovered during the long night of the soul in the realms of Scorpio. During a New Moon we yearn for pure expression of that which is intuited on a deep level. There is no light to reflect what might exist consciously. There is freedom to express purely from a place of awareness—the fresh perspective of the infant. For an adult this does feel risky and yet the ‘reward’, knowing Self, outweighs the fear.The story of Saturn continues to play a dominant role in this New Moon chart as it conjuncts the Sun/Moon and squares Jupiter ruler of these two in Sagittarius. Jupiter, great element of lightening up, accessing wisdom as well as a sense of humor. We may have been taking things a little too seriously of late, feeling burdened and limited. Many thoughts have the potential to limit. So numerous are our ‘burdens’ that taking time to define them, in Saturn fashion, becomes a waste of energy. Suffice it to say that every blow to body, mind, spirit has left an imprint that can act to obscure the path ‘home’.For some few it is obvious, for others as we wake up to say, the nature of the life we have been living as false, there is a need to ‘clean house’ of beliefs that have kept us in a holding pattern that never allows us to take off. The combination of aspects during this New Moon are not radical or bound to lead us to an edge that requires a leap. They are a somewhat subtle and persistent continuation of evolutionary energy that promotes the slow dissolution of collective patterns/beliefs that eventually one by one, open us to Truth. Obviously if the mud you waddle in is deep, it can take you longer to reach the shore.The ability to make decisions at this time may be hampered by opposing forces—that of critical thinking (Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio) versus brazen desire (Venus in Sagittarius). The result of this may be inaction or conversely action that uses wisdom to fuel any efforts to create monumental change in the area of personal psyche; a reminder that Uranus is still squared by Pluto and therefore the underlying impetus to evolve and transform for the highest good is a deep motivation. As these are outer planets they affect all levels of activity here.Jupiter square to Mercury/Saturn tends to push for generosity of spirit rather than the spirit of dissection, severity, discipline—being discerning as to what does not allow one to be open--open hearted, open minded; moving past self criticism to self love and out of isolation to inclusion.“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who[caption id="attachment_9386" align="alignright" width="231"]
Click to enlarge[/caption]looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~Carl Jung Perhaps the most dangerous secrets are what we keep from our selves—unwilling to look inside for fear that what we find is either too dreadful to deal with, or that we are agreeing to take full responsibility for our life, daunting no matter how this is approached. No other way than to face whatever need be faced on the way to liberation. Fear has kept us captive far too long. With Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio one may be very fearful and at the same time find the courage to approach what does not serve one with the precision of a surgeon, fully capable of slicing away the diseased portions of this form in order to uncover healthy tissue beneath.And recall that Jupiter in Leo shares the lion’s facility for bravery in aspect to these two making it easier to delve even a little deeper than one might otherwise find possible. Jupiter wants to say, “there now everything will be just fine”. And Sagittarius displays audacity that would mock those of a timid nature. All we need do is remember some famous Sagittarians to know their tendency to forge boldly forward where others fear to tread. This group includes, Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, Noam Chomsky, Walt Disney, Tina Turner, Miley Cyrus, Steven Spielberg, Jon Stewart etc.During these few days preceding and following this New Moon focus on challenging your self to uncover something previously lying hidden from view. If your intention is clear you will probably find that others show up as willing guides for your creative endeavor. These are gifts and should be accepted with appreciation. And while you are at it, don’t take your self too seriously. You can’t make a mistake.