October~Autumn Harvest and All Saints' Eve

Fall is the disseminating season, for seeding and spreading wisdom. Remember that life is relentless. Life is starting back up again, almost before you are done dying. And while you are alive, death is not your concern. Life is.

~Laura Marjorie Miller

As the wheel of the year turns and we move more deeply into autumn, I move closer to letting be and letting go—to trust, to acceptance and to willingness.

In their beginnings, Halloween, to make hallow or holy, and All Saints Eve was a time to venerate the unseen world and honor the souls that have gone before us. The longer I am on this planet, the more grateful I feel toward those who have come before me, the more connected I feel to the evolutionary spiral, the more in tune I feel to the rhythmic ebb and flow of change. I stand in the present with a grateful nod and bent knee to it all. In the words of Rumi, I am invited to Work in the invisible world at least as hard as I do in the visible.

Moving with the energies of the recent autumn equinox, this time of harvest and the harvest full moon invokes a natural reverence—a joyful poignancy of both assessment and celebration—of individual and community.

And then, there is pumpkin pie and simmering soup…

Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found

Your personality is the costume your soul is wearing. Reverence is seeing the soul that is wearing the costume.

~ Gary Zukav

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