Pisces Lunar Eclipse Moon Bathing Ritual, 9/17

“Don’t worry if you’re making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.” ‍~Scott Stabile

Sacred mother moon.
Gently, tenderly
Her dark
Luscious lap
The soft yin
My body
So craves.
~Nancy Lankston

Pisces Lunar Eclipse Moon Bathing Ritual

Moon bathing is the practice of absorbing the moon’s energy by sitting or lying under its light, allowing its calming rays to cleanse and renew your spirit. Under the Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse, moon bathing is especially powerful for releasing emotional blocks, enhancing intuition, and inviting spiritual transformation. The heightened energy of this rare eclipse amplifies the Pisces traits of dreaminess, healing, and letting go, making it the perfect time to recharge your soul and embrace new beginnings.

Create Your Sacred Space: Find a peaceful outdoor spot where the full moon is visible. Lay down a blanket, light a candle or two, and surround yourself with moon-charged crystals like amethyst or moonstone. Let the glow of the lunar eclipse and supermoon envelop your space, creating an atmosphere of stillness and reflection.

Find your Ground: Begin by tuning in to yourself, and feeling the earth beneath you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to connect with the energy of the moon. Visualize its silver light flowing down, grounding you and soothing your spirit.

Set Your Intention: The Pisces full moon, amplified by the lunar eclipse, is a time for release and spiritual awakening. Take a moment to set an intention of what you wish to let go of or heal. This is an opportunity to cleanse emotional blockages, fears, or limiting beliefs. Let the moon’s energy aid in your release. If you’d like, write this intention in your journal to keep coming back to it. 

Moon Bathing: Lie down under the light of the moon, and allow its rays to wash over you like a gentle shower of light. Breathe deeply, feeling the moon’s energy infuse your aura and swirl amongst your cells. Imagine the moonlight bathing your entire body, from head to toe, purifying your spirit and renewing your energy. 

Reflect and Release: As you soak in the moon’s energy, reflect on what you are releasing. Allow the soft, dreamy Pisces energy to guide you into deeper intuition and understanding. Allow any messages, insights, images, sensations, or feelings arise as they will while you do this. Acknowledge what arises without judgment, letting them drift away with the moonlight with ease.

Closing: When you feel ready, sit up and offer gratitude to the moon for its guidance. Visualize the energy you’ve received sealing in your body, grounding your experience. Close the ritual by taking a few deep breaths, acknowledging the cleansing and transformation you’ve undergone.

May this Pisces Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and Supermoon refuel your soul!

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