Power of Forgiveness Full Moon Ritual with Rose DeLos Angeles

Join us this Wednesday 10/20 from 6-7pm for a Power of Forgiveness Full Moon Ritual with Rose DeLos Angeles!

Join us for a Power of Forgiveness Full Moon Meditation and Ritual with Rose DeLos Angeles!
When: Wednesday October 20th from 6pm-7pm
Where: Instagram Live on the page of Paradise Found @paradisefoundsb

Aries Full Moon | Woman with rays of light emanating from her palms, kneeling in front of the full moon

As we enter this week of the Full Moon in Aries we start feeling the call to action with the fire of this moon. Our call to action this Full Moon will be The Power of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a powerful force that brings peace and love to ourselves. Forgiveness isn't always an easy thing to do so we will have the assistance of Quan Yin the Goddess of Love and Compassion. Quan Yin is also known as the Asian Mother Mary who rights all that has been wronged. Mother Mary, Mother of all Mothers and Queen of Angels will also be present to help assist you with Forgiveness.

Two beautiful Goddess will help facilitate what you can't let go of and enable you to forgive what needs to be forgiven in your life. One of the biggest things we have a challenge with is Forgiving ourselves, so the great Goddesses will help you forgive yourself, others and any situation you need to forgive. When we forgive, we also free up energy and space to receive. Blocks will also be cleared in this process. The most beautiful thing about forgiveness is that it opens up love and compassion for yourself.

I will be invoking Quan Yin and Mother Mary along with the element of Fire for the call to action and ignite the fire within us to forgive. Last month we gave Gratitude to continue to attract and receive and now for the Power of Forgiveness to free up energy and space to receive, and receive love and compassion for ourselves.

Please note:

If you would like to have any crystals present or light any candles please do so. Whatever you feel called to have present with you will be charged up with the ritual energy! Whatever you feel called to have present with you will be charged up with the ritual energy! Suggested crystals for this meditation are Rose Quartz, for love, Rhodochrosite for self love and Rhodonite to balance the heart emotions.

If you have a list of your hearts desires/intentions it will be taken up by Quan Yin, Mother Mary and Mother Mary's angels up to become manifest!

Artist: @crownandpalette

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